21- The Choker

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Hotch made a few phone calls, and he brought in Merida Carter, she was the doctor who performed my first rape kit. I was devastated when I heard it went missing, and of course, she wouldn't tell me what happened to it. But now, I needed answers...and fast.

Hotch decided it best if he, Morgan and JJ talked to her, I was to wait outside and looking into the two-way mirror, wondering what she was going to say.

"Dr. Carter, you worked two decades in a NG base in Texas, and now the DC VA," Hotch started off.

"I'm not sure if I'll be a big help to your investigation," she said.

"But you remember Kennedy Russo, right?" JJ asked.

"Of course, she was a sweet girl. I was about to be deposed about it ten years ago. I was told the case has been settled," she replied. I had a feeling Rand had something to do with that.

"How did you end up doing the rape kit?" Morgan asked.

"Her father called, he was an old friend. I was the closest doctor for him," she replied.

"And what did the examination show, Dr. Carter?" Hotch asked.

"They tore her apart. It was a violent, sustained gang rape," she replied. I could've told them that.

"This was all documented in the rape kit?" JJ asked.

"Swabs, notes, photos, samples, everything," she replied. "Plus her clothing, complete with semen stains from multiple donors,"

"And there were no traces of drugs in her system because they held her for 72 hours," Morgan said.

"What can you tell us about the kit's chain of custody?" Hotch asked.

"I gave it to my superior officers. But I heard they had no jurisdiction, so they turned it over to battle-tested," she replied.

"How'd you hear this?" Morgan asked.

"One of my COs-- I'm not saying who-- was complaining that Battle-Tested had the run of the base," she replied. I pinched the bridge of my nose, I know who tipped her off.

"Everything alright?" JJ asked.

"Barrett was one of Dr. Carter's COs, he never liked Battle-Tested," I replied.

"What's Battle-Tested?" she asked.

"They were a uniform equipment company who supplied our gear; Rand's wife used to be an executive," I replied.

"So he could've given her the rape kit to dispose of," she said.

"And if we try to talk to her, Rand's gonna put an army of lawyers in the way. Perfect,"


Kate and I had gone down to see Max. He had been in lockup nearly a day now, and we wanted to tell him what was going on.

"Is Kenny okay?" he asked us.

"She's fine, we're keeping her safe," Kate replied.

"I taught my baby how to protect herself, and yet four schmucks with mental issues decide to take advantage of her," he said.

"Mr. Russo, you shouldn't blame yourself, or your daughter," I told him.

"You know, all my life I've tried to do the right thing. I signed up for the National Guard as soon as I got out of school. When my country asked me to fight, I went. And I confessed and was ready to do my time because I trusted you people to get justice for my daughter," he said.

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