48~ Family

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"The defense calls up Dr. Spencer Reid!" that came as a shock, I didn't see how Spencer could possibly be a witness for the defense. My stomach started to knot in it's place as I saw Daniel crack his knuckles, he did that when he was feeling especially confident. Nevertheless -- and much to my protests -- Reid stood up and took his place on the stand.

"Good morning doctor, how long have you been with the bureau?" Daniel asked him.

"Ten years," he replied. I smiled a little bit, knowing fully well how proud Spencer was to be where he was in the FBI.

"According to my research, you're very smart. Probably one of the smartest agents in the bureau," Daniel read off from his sheet, "An expert on psycho-dysfunctional mental disorders as well," he said.

"I take pride in my work," he said.

"I didn't hear a question your honor," Patricia sneered.

"I was just getting to that," Daniel told her. She rolled her eyes as he stood up and approached the bench. "Dr. Reid, could you identify your relationship with the supposed 'victim', Kennedy Russo?" he asked him. That was the knot that was curling and twisting up my insides, Daniel was going to make like this was a conspiracy plot against him.

"We're colleagues," Spencer put it as simply as possible. Daniel snorted.

"Right, just colleagues. I suppose that 'just colleagues' have also been taking the same subway together when they go home after work," he said. How did he know we took the subway together? Could he have been following me before?

"I'm sorry, but were you following us?" Reid asked him.

"I think a lot of people within your unit, even within the bureau, would testify that you and Agent Russo are a bit more then 'just colleagues', wouldn't you?" he asked.

"Objection! Where is this line of questioning going?" Patricia asked.

"It supports my main thesis, your honor," Daniel replied. The judge narrowed his eyes at both of them.

"I'll allow it, but tread lightly Mr. Sharrick," he replied.

"Thank you. Would you please answer the question, Dr. Reid?" he asked.

"I'm not sure what it is you want me to say," Spencer replied. Daniel looked shocked.

"Oh no? No clue? Really? So-so I suppose you weren't the first person Kennedy came to when she was attacked six months ago, right?" he asked.

"She did, but she needed somebody she could trust," he replied. I wanted to shrivel up and die at that moment.

"Right, somebody to confide in. Dr. Reid, I don't appreciate you lying to me, and under oath," he said.

"I'm not lying about anything," he stated. Daniel put on a smirk as we went over to his desk and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"Your honor, I'd like to introduce exhibit A into this court room," he pinned the picture up on the bulletin board, and I was absolutely stunned to find it was the same picture that Hotch showed us a few weeks ago in his office. The jury seemed just as surprised as I was. Now, I wanted to die.

"Anything else you're lying about, Dr. Reid?" Daniel asked him. Reid looked at me, probably pondering upon whether admitting it out loud or not. I figured there wasn't much damage to be done, so I nodded for him to continue.

"Well, over the past month, Agent Russo and I have entered into a relationship," he said. Daniel turned to me and smiled.

"She is quite beautiful, isn't she?" he said. I rolled my eyes; this guy was a pig.

An Emblematic Woman ● S. Reid | ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon