37- Beautiful

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We found the dump several minutes later, and just as he promised, there was a fridge that sat upon a a pile of junk in dump underneath an overpass. CSU cracked open the padlock and pulled the fridge door open, revealing Dorothy inside, with a breathing tank that was low on oxygen.

"Is she alive?" I asked.

"Barely breathing," Morgan replied. Paramedics were on the scene and got her onto a stretcher. As they lifted her body, a note fell onto the ground. I picked it up, and read off the text.

"What is it?" Reid asked.

"Another poem," I said, "She thought she could run and keep her thoughts away, but when I have the need, I want to play. Humphrey did his good deed with no regret, and gave Dorothy Greene a most terrifying death. Signed RDK,"

"Humphrey never referred to himself in the third person, he never even gave us his name before," he said.

"I don't think Humphrey wrote this," I said.

"How come?" he asked.

"All of Humphrey's letters were Times New Roman, this is a type writer. Do you remember what kind of font was used in the original cases?" I said. He cursed and shook his head.

"This was the original RDK," he said.

"Dated three weeks ago,"

Dorothy Greene was going to make it, but she would never be the same again. Humphrey Jacobs would be sentenced to thirty years plus the death penalty. Lita was so disappointed in her son, she was moving out of the city. We put the fear of God into Humphrey's supposed victims, and we weren't able to stop him from kidnapped Dorothy. Sometimes I wonder what the point of saving people is when you can't protect others.

I was packing up my stuff at my desk, ready to pass out on the couch and watching re-runs of The Jeffersons. Garcia came up to me and ruffled my hair. "You okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine," I replied.

"Have any abortion regrets?" she asked.

"No," I said.

"You realize why Reid got so worked up, don't you?" she asked.

"I tell him everything and he was upset," I replied. She chuckled. What?"

"Sweetie, he loves you. He loves you so much, he was willing to race a child that wasn't even his," she said.

"Reid doesn't love me," I told her.

"Why not? You're hot. You're probably the hottest girl that works in this place; besides me of course," she grinned.

"But of course," I chuckled.

"So why not jump at this chance. You've been running away since the moment I met you, and Reid has been chasing you. He's a sweet guy," she said.

"People like Reid don't date girls like me," I told her.

"He doesn't date pretty girls?" she asked.

"No, that's not what I meant. He likes smart girls. Maeve was smart, so by fault he'd have more in common with her. I'm just a girl with a gun and cute boots," I replied.

"Come on, you don't think Reid is just a little bit cute?" she asked. I sighed and looked over to my right, seeing Reid in a conversation with Morgan.

"Yeah, he is pretty cute," I said. We giggled together, just as the two boys came over to us.

"What's going on here?" Morgan asked.

"Nothing, just girl talk," Garcia replied.

"Not too much about me though, right?" he asked with a coy grin. Reid sighed and shook his head. Garcia and I looked at each other and scoffed.

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