50~ Birthday

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Turns out Daniel left a couple yellowy bruises on my neck, but other then that, and a really bad cough, I was clear to continue my work. I told the rest of the team I would meet them at the office, I figured I needed a little time to myself. I didn't even take the subway to the office, I just decided to walk there.

Passing block after block, all I kept thinking about was the look in Daniel's eye before he attacked me in open court. He knew he was going to lose, and his attack was kind of his way of a suicide mission. Either way, with or without the guilty verdict, he was going to go away for a long time. I had spent over a decade trying to block out these memories, and quite frankly, I would never be able to forget.

But it made me stronger.

I only wished we had enough to charge Rand with conspiracy. Without that rape kit, he would probably move to Argentina and change his name. It didn't matter any more, I wouldn't have to think about it anymore.


The elevator doors open and I kept my eyes to the floor, not realizing what I was going to be walking into when I opened the glass panel door. But the minute I stepped into the office...

"Surprise!" I jumped and looked up, finding everybody standing right by my desk with a cake, complete with a candle.

"What is going on here?" I asked them.

"Seriously? You forgot your own birthday?" Penny asked. I took a minute to think, then my hand flew to my forehead. In the drama of it all, I forgot that today was my birthday. I was turning 30.

"Oh my God. Boy am I stupid," I laughed out. JJ set the cake on the table and they stood back.

"Okay! Before you make a wish, we just want to tell you how proud we are of you," Kate said.

"I didn't do anything spectacular, you all helped," I replied.

"That is very true," Morgan said. Penny jabbed his side with her elbow.

"But seriously, I want to thank you guys. Spence, I especially want to thank you," I said.

"What did I do?" he asked.

"You reminded me how important it was for me to step and talk about my ghosts. I think that my life is so much better when I have you in it. All of you," I said. Reid smiled as he leaned down and gave me a kiss.

"Aye, not all over the cake," Rossi said. I stuck my tongue out at him in return

"Alright, now make a wish!" JJ exclaimed happily. I looked down at the light pink cake with a white candle nestled between two strawberries.

"This looks amazing," I said.

"Your dad tipped us off that strawberry was your favorite," Hotch said.

"Russo, if you don't blow out that candle, I'm gonna do it for you. 'Cause I'm not eating wax off my cake," Morgan said. I flipped him off and bent down, thinking of a wish. When I had the perfect wish in mind, I took a breath and blew out the candle.

"Yay! Alright, I'm slicing!" Penny said, taking the cake and started to cut it into slices.

"What did you wish for?" Kate asked. I sighed and shrugged.

"Daniel gets the death penalty, we find my rape kit, and convict Rand," I replied.

"We'll find it, one way or another, it's got to turn up somehow," JJ told me.

"Either way, it doesn't matter now. We won either way," Reid said.

"I think you actually won more then the rest of us," Kate told him. Spence smiled to himself and nodded.

An Emblematic Woman ● S. Reid | ✓Where stories live. Discover now