41- Luke Skywalker

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The drone then turned to me and open fired. I ducked down behind the car door, then took a few rounds at it. It was hit in the underbelly, then zoomed away. I took my chance and ran over to Morgan. He was still alive, but he took a rather nasty bullet to his thigh. The homeless man looked stunned.

"Morgan! You alright?" I asked him.

"We're fine. Go, take cover," he told the man. He got up and ran for shelter. I took Morgan's hand and hauled him to his feet.

"Come on. We gotta go, that thing's coming back. We gotta get out of here," I said.

"I can't drive, Russo," he told me.

"Oh, really? How about that. There's a silver lining in the face of death. Fantastic," I said as I helped him in the passenger's seat.

"My leg will heal, don't get used to it," he said.

"Just buckle yourself in," I said. As soon as he shut the car door, the drone came back and open fired. I ran around the front of the car, dodging the bullets and jumped into the driver's seat. Then sped away.

The drone followed.

"Hey, hey! We're under fire here!" I called into the radio.

"We're on your tail!" Rossi replied.

I sped down the boulevard and onto another empty street, while the drone behind us was banging up the rear end and sides of the car. Morgan cut out a piece of the seat belt and tied it around his thigh as a tourniquet.

"Faster, Kenny. Come on," Morgan urged.

"It's going fast! This is as fast as it goes," I told him.

"Bull! You're not even making the red line," he said.

"Look, just shut up. Okay? Shut up. I don't know what's worse; you're driving or your backseat driving," I told him, "Just zip it,"

As if this couldn't come at a worse time, the blue tooth rang. "Go ahead JJ," Morgan picked up the call.

"But make it quick, we're a bit busy at the moment," I told her.

"Guys, air traffic control is reporting a small aircraft on approach," she said. That couldn't be right.

"No, no, no, no, no. I thought we shut down the airports," I said.

"We did. But this plane isn't heading for the airport. It's heading for town," she said. And that's when all the pieces fell into place.

"Wait a minute. We got this all wrong. This is a this is an aircraft extraction. The drone attack was just a diversion," Morgan said.

"Right, they paid Redmond to clear the streets so they can land a plane and pick up Lawrence Turner," I said.

"If he gets on that plane, he'll compromise national security," JJ said. Well, wasn't that just a wonderful boatload of pressure.

Another sound filled the air, a loud engine. I looked up from the road, just enough to see a big black, shiny figure descending onto the street. It was a 707. "Morgan?"

"I see it," the plane flew right over us and the drone, then landed onto the road.


"Rossi! Where are you?" Kennedy asked

"Right behind you!" he replied. The sound of tires screeching sounded we pulled up behind them.

"Alright Reid, come on, it's your turn," Morgan said.

"This thing is gonna work, isn't it?" Rossi asked.

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