9 - Silver

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Weeks passed as I settled into my place at the BAU. I was given a desk, it was Morgan's old desk, since he had an office of his own. It was smack right next to Reid's. I noticed how he had been acting a little odd; I couldn't blame him. Five minutes before he sees me walk into Hotch's office, I was a detective; five minutes after, I was an agent. The Detective title had officially been dropped.

I told Hotch about the story of the invalid file in my transcript, and he agreed to keep it on the down-low. Alex had left, I didn't know her for long, but from what I gathered, she was a wonderfully intellectual and intelligent woman. But her replacement, Kate Callahan, was just as fantastic as she was.

Reid had become my best friend; growing up in El Paso with a military dad, I was always fit in more with the guys then the girls. Of course, I didn't mind the girl company I had here. JJ and Garcia had become my sisters, JJ the more reserved sister with her motherly wisdom and knowledge, and Garcia was the fun and crazy sister who had fantastic fashion sense. Morgan was my older brother, who loved to flirt. Playfully, of course. And Rossi was like an uncle...a more Italian, cocky uncle. Hotch was still my boss, but he still treated me like he did everybody else. I still wished I could see him smile a bit more though.

"I got a question for ya," it was the start of a long day, and I had four files of paper work that I had to complete. I wasn't interested though, I was more interested and bugging Reid. He took his work a little too seriously, and I figured he needed to lighten up.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Has it ever dawned on your that Agent Ellardyce looks a hell of a lot like Jabba the Hutt?" I asked him. He looked up at the agent who had the triple chin, bugged out eyes, and the long lips with the bottom lip thicker then the top. He chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, he kinda does," he said.

"I always thought Garcia could be a character from Guardians of the Galaxy. You know that broad with the pink skin and the purple hair?" I asked him.

"I know what you're talking about," he said, not bothering to look up from his work.

"JJ could be Sue Storm from Fantastic Four, and Kate Wonder Woman," I said.

"Yeah, they could," he replied.

"Morgan would probably be Nick Fury in the Avengers," I said.

"He just needs an eye patch," he replied solemnly. I scowled, I wanted to try and make him laugh. I had an idea.

"Hotch would be Spock from Star Trek," I beamed. That did it, he cracked up laughing.

"He is totally Spock," he laughed.


"Who's Spock?" Hotch walked by at that moment, looking down at his paper file as his did.

"Uh - no one," Reid replied.

"The man who was on the subway with me this morning," I said.

"That's not no one, that's a specific stranger. Round table room in two," he replied, then walked away. As soon as he was out of ear shot, Reid and I looked at each other, and we started laughing again.

"Morning crime fighters, Detroit is in trouble," Garcia started off the weekly murder mystery presentation. The first photo that popped up was, believe it or not, a convict. His name was Reginald Bunker.

"Reginald Jackson Bunker, child molester and murderer," Rossi read from his file.

"Yes, and he was making appeals to be released on parole after ten years in prison due to his model inmate attitude, creep," Garcia explained, "He was being transported to the court house for his hearing when this happened..." a video file popped up, and just as Bunker set foot onto the pavement, his head blew up.

"Woah!" I exclaimed. His head literally just blew up into pieces. One minute it was there, the next it was gone.

"What was that?" Kate asked.

"Authorities aren't sure, they were able to recover a bullet from the wall. They estimate it was a fifty caliper," Garcia replied.

"Sounds like a sniper? What're they calling us in for?" Morgan asked.

"Because this hearing was never published in the papers until the day before the court date; and three weeks prior, a local neighborhood gang was also shot dead by a sniper rifle," she replied.

"So we could be dealing with a vigilante?" JJ asked.

"A vigilante is usually a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate," Reid said, "Detroit had a 79% increase of defense and vigilante crimes since last year,"

"But a vigilante isn't shy about what he's done. He'll wanna show his signature, give a public statement, let the city know that he's here," Hotch said.

"The fifty caliper bullet could be his signature," Kate guessed.

"Did they get any forensics on the bullet?" I asked.

"Not much, only that it was made from pure silver," Garcia replied. That was something that made me stop and wonder. "Oh,"

"Something wrong?" Rossi asked.

"Silver bullets are hard to come by, and they cost around the same as a pair of Christian Louboutins," I replied.

"And usually used in folk tales," JJ added.

"Hashtag werewolves," Kate said.

"Yeah, and Detroit police aren't very thrilled that someone is trying to take the law into their own hands, as every police squad would be; and they anticipate a third wave of sniper attacks soon," Garcia said.

"Alright, everybody pack a bag and we'll reconvene on the jet. Wheels up in thirty," that was Hotch's famous line. I felt a little nervous. Not about the flying, I'm fine with flying, I meant about the sniper.

My dad was an army instructor, he taught me how to shoot my first pistol, and the upgraded me to a sniper rifle. He thought I was gonna make it big in the army. Guess I was a bit of a disappointment for him. But, that didn't matter, because we had a case, and I couldn't afford to waste time with my own worry.

An Emblematic Woman ● S. Reid | ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora