Chapter 42

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The summers in Jing City have always been rainy.

Yao Yanyan was originally packing her luggage, listening to the incessant sound of rain outside, and unconsciously gazing out the window.

She had bought this house with all her savings from these years.

It wasn't big, but it was located in a prime area of Jing City. Before making the purchase, she had done a lot of research and specifically chose a fourth-floor apartment with floor-to-ceiling windows to enjoy the beautiful night view of Jing City.

The empty house was dark as she hadn't turned on the lights. Yao Yanyan was lost in thought when her phone rang from her bag, startling her.

"Hello?" Yao Yanyan answered the phone; it was her sister Yao Wu calling.

"Sister, have you arrived at the apartment? Sob sob, I really want to rush over and see you, but I can't." Yao Wu cried loudly on the other end of the phone.

Yao Wu's unexpected choice of studying law instead of pursuing fine arts in college surprised everyone. She was extremely busy with her studies, and her university was far away from home.

Upon hearing her sister's voice, Yao Yanyan laughed and said, "Yes, I've arrived. If you can't come now, we'll see each other later. Anyway, I can't run away either."

The two sisters chatted for a while, and then Yao Yanyan put down her luggage and went to work.

The whole house was empty and lacked vitality.

Besides Yao Yanyan herself, the only living thing was a large koi fish that Zheng Shu specially selected for her when he helped her move.

After feeding the koi fish, Yao Yanyan wandered into the study.

She was the type of person who would be completely absorbed in her work. She sketched a few designs and when she looked up, it was already past ten o'clock.

Feeling a bit hungry, Yao Yanyan went to the kitchen to cook some noodles for herself. After eating, she tidied the bed and prepared to go to sleep.

However, she felt uneasy and had a restless sleep due to eating too much at night. She had several fragmented dreams.

Then, in her dream, she heard the sound of high heels tapping on the ground. The sound became clearer and clearer through the wall, gradually approaching... Yao Yanyan suddenly woke up and sat up.

"Tread, tread, tread..." The sound of high heels walking was slow, and she could sense that the person was walking deliberately and slowly. Yao Yanyan could tell that the sound was coming from outside.

Finally, the sound seemed to stop in front of her house, followed by the sound of searching for keys. Then, she heard the sound of the door unlocking, followed by a "click" as the neighboring door locked.

Yao Yanyan: "..."

She frowned and glanced at the electronic clock on the bedside table, which showed 12:55.

"What's going on..." Yao Yanyan groaned, covering her forehead, feeling wide awake.

She was delicate; she had this problem before. Once she fell asleep, even the slightest noise would wake her up. She had even asked about the soundproofing effect of this house before buying it, and the sales office assured her it was good.

And it was indeed good, at least for others. That little bit of noise meant nothing to them.

Yao Yanyan knew, she knew it all too well, and that's why she felt more frustrated.

She couldn't really complain about this situation to anyone because it was purely her own problem. She didn't like wearing earplugs either, and she couldn't be so domineering as to prevent her neighbor from wearing high heels.

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