S2: E7 Haunted

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"So, we have one guy still missing?" Bobby turned to the man as Buck and Y/N followed, Lucky close behind.

"Yes, it's horrible. Elisio and Stavros were preparing Mrs Mandechek's final resting place, and they just got sucked in." The man led Bobby and Buck.

"Okay. Sir, can you tell me what happened down there?" Bobby looked at the first victim who was on the gurney with an oxygen mask.

The victim nodded and Chimney removed his oxygen mask.

"Me and Stavros were..digging a plot..when we got pulled in. Like the grave was digging itself." The victim turned to look at Bobby.

"Like a sinkhole." Y/N glanced at Bobby.

"The quake shifted everything around down there. We're all basically walking around on eggshells and bubble wrap. See it?" Chimney agreed with Y/N.

"How long ago did this happen?" Bobby turned back to the victim.

"I don't know. Half an hour, maybe?" The victim watched the 118.

"Let's move, guys." Bobby glanced at them, leading them away from the victim.

"Lucky." Y/N patted her leg and Lucky followed them.

"Woah." Buck almost fell into a hole but Lucky gripped his jacket in her teeth keeping him up, long enough for Bobby to pull Buck back away from the edge safely.

"Easy. This whole side is like quicksand. I don't want you to fall in there and drag ten tons of loose soil on top of yourself and our friend down there." Bobby shined his torch down into the sinkhole.

"He's been breathing dirt for a half hour, Cap." Buck glanced at Bobby.

"Well, maybe not." Bobby watched the sinkhole curiously.

"What are you thinking?" Buck looked at Bobby curiously.

"Eggshells and bubble wrap." Bobby glanced at Chimney and Y/N.

"Air pockets." Eddie looked at Bobby intrigued.

"Yeah, we just have to find out where they are. Let's get some boards." Bobby looked around at them.

"Copy that, Cap." Buck grinned as they headed back to the truck for equipment.

Y/N went to follow but stopped when Lucky growled looking into the sinkhole, making Y/N look into the sinkhole where she could see a shoe.

"Hey, Cap!" Y/N looked over her shoulder at Bobby, pulling Lucky away from the edge.

Bobby and Buck both turned, only for the soil to cave under Y/N, dumping dirt on both Y/N and the second victim.

"Fi!" Buck's eyes widened alarmed as he ran over toward the sinkhole, Bobby watching in shock, as Chimney and Eddie turned at the sounds of Buck's yell.

Lucky whined trying to dig to find Y/N, as Eddie and Chimney sped up with the equipment.

"Lucky. Move, come on." Buck pulled Lucky away anxiously.

"Fi!" Buck tried to dig through the soil.

"Buck! Move!" Chimney came over with boards pushing Buck out of the way.

The 118 used shovels and buckets to get rid of the soil, after placing boards down to stabilise the ground.

"Woah. You okay?" Bobby looked at Chimney as the ground beneath them gave way.

"Yeah. Okay that can't be good." Chimney looked at the sinkhole.

"Keys for this thing?" Hen looked at the first victim.

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