S6: E7 Cursed

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"Dispatch reported someone got hit by a chandelier." Bobby looked at the woman.

"I think the cables must have snapped or something..I..I don't know what happened. I tried moving it but it was so heavy and there was so much blood." The woman stared at the blood on her hands.

"She conscious?" Chimney watched her.

"Yes. She..she won't shut up." The woman led them inside.

"Alexis you left me." The victim looked at the woman.

"To bring help." The woman turned to them.

"Just please get this thing off of me." The victim glanced at them.

"Woah, woah, try not to move, okay? We're gonna get you out of there." Chimney reassured the victim.

"All right, let's get a backboard and a gurney in here." Bobby watched them all.

"Yeah, Cap. This thing's penetrated the floor pretty deep." Buck glanced at Bobby as he and Y/N tried to lift it.

"We're gonna have to cut it apart, piece by piece. Buck, Fi, you're with me. Let's get saws and blankets." Bobby turned to the two.

"Cap, looks like some left leg..could be potential spinal." Chimney walked over to the three as they returned.

"Is something wrong? She's not paralysed, right? That would severely impact her future revenue stream." Alexis looked at them alarmed.

"Paralysed?" Felisa looked over with a frown.

"Yeah, maybe that's not the thing we're trying to focus on right now." Eddie glanced over at them.

"All right, Chimney, I want you to contact the ER. Fi, Buck, let's start to saw it away from her. Carefully." Bobby watched Felisa.

"Hi, this'll keep you safe from the sparks, okay? There you go." Buck put a blanket over Felisa's head.

Buck, Bobby and Y/N started sawing parts of the chandelier with caution, so they could safely remove Felisa and get her to a hospital.

* Back At The Firehouse The Next Day *

"All this food and that's all you're having?" Athena laughed at Buck and Y/N.

"Uh, yeah, it's delicious." Buck glanced at Y/N.

Buck sat down at the table with the others as Y/N drank her smoothie all in one go, shivering in distaste.

"Who said they don't miss me?" Hen walked over to them and they all cheered.

"Not anyone here. So, how's Karen?" Chimney smiled at Hen.

"Great. I think she was more excited for me to get back to work than I was. Somehow she says that I hover." Hen watched them and they all laughed.

"Athena, what are you doing here?" Hen frowned at Athena confused.

"Oh, I wouldn't miss your first day back and Bobby here went all out on the welcome back breakfast." Athena smiled at her.

"So, who's done with their first round? I'm ready for my second round and it's about to get ugly." Chimney grinned at them.

"Yeah, I guess, I'll uh, have some seconds too. Yum. Fi, want some seconds?" Buck got to his feet looking over at her.

"Sure." Y/N shrugged at him, putting her glass next to his.

"Heard you guys are on a health kick?" Hen frowned standing by them as Buck filled their glasses.

"Uh, yeah. Can't a guy try and take care of himself. And Fi's a health nut." Buck shrugged.

"Buck, you're idea of healthy is a side salad. When did puree green become a whole main meal? Fi, doesn't surprise me." Hen chuckled at Buck.

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