S5: E9 Past Is Prologue

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"Dispatch this is Captain Nash, 118. Please advise DWP to shut the power off on this street. Have them contact GalGEM to send a team of engineers to Cap this well. What is the status of our victims?" Bobby spoke into his radio as they arrived.

"Gabi, the driver, appears uninjured, but it sounds like her passenger, Chloe may have a brachial puncture wound." May responded to Bobby.

"How's her breathing?" Hen frowned as they looked at the car.

"Described as laboured." May recited what she was told.

"Copy, that. Okay, Ravi. I want you to start foaming this area. We don't want any accidental sparks igniting this oil." Bobby looked at Ravi.

"See if we can get that hatch open." Bobby turned to Buck and Y/N.

"It's jamed. Give me the jaws. Come on." Buck and Y/N tried to force it open.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, negative, negative! Buck, stop! Stop! We're on top of an oil well." Bobby pulled Buck away from the car.

"Isn't that why we have the foam?" Eddie frowned at Bobby.

"No, the foam is just a Band Aid. It's good for a spark or two, but we start cutting into metal, this whole things gonna go." Bobby shook his head at them.

"We starter the back of the glass, then go in. No sparks with glass." Eddie turned to Bobby.

"But we got to cut through the seats to get to them, and again.." Bobby watched the car.

"Tools and sparks." Eddie caught on to what he was saying.

"Okay, what if we shatter the moon roof? You know, we pull them up and out." Buck glanced at Y/N.

"No, no, no. Look at the flow of that geyser. We busy that glass, they're gonna drown in oil." Bobby pointed at the geyser.

"Hey! Hey! One of them has a sucking chest wound. If we don't get them out, she's gonna drown in her own blood. We can't wait." Hen ran over to them.

"We need someone to Cap that well." Eddie looked at Bobby.

"Well, maybe we Cap it ourselves." Bobby looked around at them all.

"Come on, everybody, let's move. All right, let's push, let's go." Bobby went over to Y/N and they all pushed the car over the geyser.

Buck broke the glass of the moonroof, looking down at the two victims.
Y/N watched as Gabi got out safely and Hen climbed in to take care of Chloe.

"They all moved away from the car as it flipped upside down, Y/N grabbed Hens arm to balance her.

* The Next Day In The Engine *

"I think it's over. Uh, me and Taylor." Buck looked at them.

"She went home to get some sleep. How is that code for its over?" Hen frowned at Buck confused.

"Well, what's past is prologue, right? And based on my past, Taylor and I reached the point in a relationship where the woman flees." Buck gave Hen a look.

"Women flee you?" Ravi looked at Buck surprised.

"It is not that surprising. I mean, look at him." Y/N gestured to Buck jokingly.

"Shut up, Fi. Starts out small. Uh, she's..she's cancelling plans. She's got to work. She needs to wash her hair or do her laundry, and before you know it, poof. Dropping them off at the airport and never seeing them again." Buck gave Y/N a small playful glare.

"I personally, think you have bad taste in women." Y/N shrugged at Buck.

"I agree. But Buck, you're being a little too Buck about this." Hen smiled at Y/N.

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