S2: E17 Careful What You Wish For

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"Look, Fi, I promise you. Bobby is going to be back here as Captain before you know it." Hen looked at Y/N.

"Why's he taking everyone away from me?" Y/N turned to Hen with a troubled expression.

"You will always have us. Chimney, Eddie, myself and especially Buck. You've been inseparable since you met, Buck will never leave your side, nothing can stop him." Hen smiled at Buck as he walked over.

* On Scene *

"Barry Johnson, 57. Seems to have had some kind of existential crisis after lunch. Threw all his money off the roof and then decided to jump after it. Falls 20 stories and lives." Athena walked over to them as they got out of the ambulance and truck.

"20 stories? How is that even possible?" Buck looked at Athena.

"It's like getting hit by lightning and sustaining no injuries." Y/N glanced at Buck.

"We also got a few greedy bystanders with minor injuries. Not sure how you want to handle those." Athena looked at Hen.

"That's up to the Cap." Hen nodded over as Chimney pulled up.

"Uh, interim Cap. This is just temporary until Bobby comes back." Buck glanced at Y/N.

"You keep telling yourself that, Buck." Chimney looked up where the man had fallen.

"Woah. All right, I'll take spinal precaution." Chimney moved toward the victim as Y/N glanced at Hen as they stood there waiting.

"Right. I'm the Captain. Uh, Hen, Eddie, you're with him. Buck go with Fi. Triage the minor injuries. And I'll get the jaws." Chimney looked back over at them.

"Copy that." Y/N gave nod before looking at Buck.

Y/N and Buck were helping people with cuts and bruises as Eddie and Hen took care of Barry.

* Back At The Station *

Eddie, Buck and Y/N rushed up the stairs smelling something burning to see Hen put out fire.

"What's for dinner?" Buck looked at Chimney.

"Pizza." Y/N mouthed at Chimney with a nod.

"How about some pizza?" Chimney looked around making everyone cheer and grin.

* The Next Morning At Y/N's Place *

"Where's Buck?" Chimney glanced around as Y/N let him inside.

"He went out." Y/N shrugged.

"To talk to Bobby?" Chimney looked at her knowingly.

"That's why you're here, isn't it? Talk about being captain?" Y/N sat down on the couch and Chimney followed.

"Everyone hates me." Chimney stared at the black screen.

"Nobody hates you, Chim. They hate that Bobby's not Captain. That things aren't normal. It takes a while to get used to change. Especially when things have been a way for years." Y/N watched Chimney.

"So what do I do?" Chimney turned to her confused.

"Stop trying to be Bobby and don't show off. Tell us what to do on calls and let me handle the cooking." Y/N smiled at him as he nodded.

* On Scene - Chocolate Factory *

"We tried pulling him out, but he was struggling so much that he sank even deeper. Our chocolate is the richest in the country, but unfortunately, that also makes it the heaviest." The worker led them down a path.

"Sir? Sir, how you feeling in there?" Chimney looked over the railing.

"Warm." The man looked up with a struggle.

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