S4: E6 Jinx

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I'm starting to write longer chapters without even realising it, so that's good.
I really like this episode, so I enjoyed writing the chapter.
I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

"Trauma bag?" Buck looked at the checklist.

"Yep." Eddie picked up the bag and put it into the truck compartment.

"I'm sorry. What was that?" Buck chuckled at Eddie.

"Check." Eddie gave Buck an amused look.

"Yeah. AED?" Buck went back to the list.

"Check." Eddie shook his head as Buck smiled.

"Oh, no. Who gave that guy a clipboard?" Hen walked over with Chimney.

"Ah, don't worry. It's a kinder, gentler clipboard, as is the man who holds it. Meet Buck 3.0." Buck smiled at Hen and Chimney.

"What, three? What happened to 2.0?" Hen laughed.

"Two's leg was crushed by a ladder truck and his girlfriend left him." Chimney glanced at Buck.

"Still not sure what inspired the software update." Eddie looked at Buck confused.

"I'm just ready to let go of the past." Buck smiled.

"Your parents lied to you your entire life and you're just gonna let that go? What's your secret?" Hen watched Buck confused.

"Therapy. As in my parents agreed to come to a few sessions with me, work our stuff out. Look, they're trying. I figure I should try too." Buck explained his motive.

"Very mature, Buck." Hen gave a nod of approval.

"Very Buck 3.0." Buck pointed at Hen with a smile.

"Okay, I am not calling you that. Are you gonna be taking part of these family sessions too?" Hen looked at Chimney.

"Uh uh. Key word family, which I am not. Technically." Chimney looked at Buck.

"You're allowed to give yourself some time, you know. To process." Eddie leaned on the compartment door.

"I know. I'm just tired of looking behind me. I'm ready to start thinking about the future." Buck smiled in reassurance.

"Evan Buckley!" Y/N made her way down the stairs in a shout.

"By sounds of it, you may not have a future." Chimney looked at Buck amused.

"What did you do?" Hen looked at Buck confused.

"I don't know." Buck shrugged starting to back away toward Hen as Y/N walked over.

"I'm going to kill you." Y/N was grabbed from behind by Eddie.

"Woah, Fi. Mind telling us what's going on?" Eddie looked at Y/N confused.

"Fine. Okay." Y/N sighed and Eddie let her go.

"Evan, I'm gonna kill you." Y/N smiled at Buck sweetly before tackling him to the ground.

"Uh..okay. Fi, use your words." Hen watched in shock.

"What did I do?" Buck looked up at her confused as he tried to shove her off him.

Eddie and Chimney pulled Y/N off Buck forcefully, holding her so she couldn't reach Buck as she breathed heavily.

"You ate...the last of the ice cream and didn't replace it." Y/N glared at Buck with a clenched jaw.

Eddie and Chimney shared a look before letting Y/N go, and she lunged for Buck again.

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