S5: E18 Starting Over

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"Someone tell me what happened?" Bobby got out of the engine.

"We released our primal selves." A woman laughed.

"These people appear to be hallucinating." Chimney looked around.

"How would you know?" Hen frowned confused.

"You looked like this when you were dosed." Chimney shrugged.

"No I didn't." Hen shook her head.

"Whatever." Chimney walked over to Bobby.

"Sir, are you hurt?" Hen looked over the edge of the cliff.

"I, uh, I think I sprained my ankle on the way down." The man looked up at them.

"We're gonna come down and get you." Bobby reassured the man.

"Oh, thank God." He reached up to the sky.

"Okay, everyone, ladder rescue. Hen, Chim, prep a basket. Buck, Ravi, Denato, start extending that ladder over the cliff." Bobby looked at them.

"Oh, uh, Cap. I..I was gonna harness up." Buck watched Bobby confused.

"I'm gonna go down to get him. Fi, you're with me." Bobby turned to Y/N.

"Should she? She's still recovering." Buck glanced at Y/N.

"I'm fine, Buck." Y/N reassured Buck.

Bobby and Y/N got harnessed up, as Buck extended the ladder.

"Just like the old days, huh, Fi?" Bobby smiled at her as they made their way down the side of the cliff.

"Yeah, rock climbing, to prepare me for the job. When I was 7." Y/N nodded with a smile.

"You were adamant you wanted to be a firefighter, nothing more." Bobby chuckled.

"Dad?" Y/N frowned as sand and dust fell down onto them.

"Cap, Fi, unhook now. The cliffs coming down and it's taking the ladder with it." Hen came through the radio.

"Fi unhook." Bobby looked at her as they made it to a small landing.

The two got down as the ladder truck went over the edge, falling toward them, Y/N shut her eyes avoiding the dust and sand all around.

"Cap! Fi!" Chimney ran to the edge with the others, sighing in relief when they saw the two safe and sound.

"T..That's bad, right?" Eugene looked at the truck.

"Yeah, Eugene. That's bad." Bobby glanced at Y/N.

Y/N watched as Buck and Bobby talked about the Jonah incident, and how Taylor reported about it. Bobby was starting to get mad and agitated because he blamed himself for Jonah getting away with it for so long.

* At Chimney's Place *

"Hey, baby Jee. You want to draw something?" Y/N looked at Jee Yun and Albert looked over.

"How do you reckon the talk with Maddie and Howard is going?" Albert watched Y/N.

"Definitely wish I was there so I could laugh at their awkwardness." Y/N chuckled at the thought.

"You think it'll be that weird?" Albert frowned amused.

"I think they're both still in love with each other but don't want to be the first to admit it. Do you want the red pencil or the blue pencil?" Y/N turned back to Jee Yun.

"Wed." Jee Yun took the red pencil from Y/N's hand.

"You're really good with kids." Albert smiled at the two.

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