S6: E13 Mixed Feelings

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"I don't know how you still smile after everything you've been through. And you don't even do therapy." Karen smiled at Y/N.

"And I never will." Y/N nodded along.

"Hen said, you wanted to go to work but your Dad wouldn't let you. Don't you think you need some time to grieve and.." Karen watched her.

"I've spent a long time grieving people. It doesn't do anything. It doesn't bring them back or make it hurt any less. It just makes you miss out on other parts of your life, and it makes you vulnerable. I'd rather be back at work, saving those that I can. You can't change the past, but it can change you if you let it. Just like how you can't control what happens, only how you react to it." Y/N shrugged at Karen as she spoke.

"I think you might be sending the wrong message to the kids reading your story, Fi. They need to talk about what bothers them with someone they trust or a therapist, they can't bottle things up, it makes everything worse in the longer run. You need to make sure they know, they're allowed to grieve, and show emotion. They're allowed to cry." Karen watched Y/N.

"I know. They live in a world, a lot crueler than this one. They...you shouldn't bottle things up, you shouldn't hide how you feel. Because crying does not make you weak, it makes you strong because it proves that you have been through something. And you need to never give up. If you need anything, someone to talk to, or anything, I am here. We are here." Y/N reassured.

* At Eddie's House Later On *

"Missed you at work today." Buck looked at Y/N as he walked inside with Eddie and Christopher.

"We missed you too." Y/N smiled at Buck.

"Oh, I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about my baby boy..or girl. But hey, I missed you, Fi." Buck smiled playfully.

"You're lucky you're cute." Y/N shook her head with a sarcastic smile.

* An Hour Later *

"What's the square root of 162?" Christopher looked at Buck.

"Well, it's not a perfect square. So that will be 12.727. I think." Buck looked at them as he ate popcorn.

"That's right. This is awesome, Dad, Mumma. Buck knows everything." Christopher grinned at them.

"Yeah, yeah." Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Not everything. I think it's just math stuff. Today on the way to work, I was able to calculate exactly how many gallons of gas I needed to get myself to the firehouse." Buck sat down with a cocky grin.

"Why not just fill it up?" Eddie looked at his phone.

"Because figuring it out was more fun. Turns out I love math." Buck smiled.

"I can't wait until you lose your superhuman intelligence ability." Y/N shook her head.

"According to this, people can get new cognitive abilities after a serious injury to the central nervous system." Eddie glanced at Buck, chuckling at Y/N.

"Oh, which I definitely had." Buck became serious.

"But some doctors are saying it's not a real thing." Eddie frowned at his phone.

"Uh, you think I've secretly known the square root of 162 all these years, and have just been holding out. No, come on. It has to be the lightning." Buck gave Eddie a look.

"Fair point. This guy literally got the power of electricity after being struck. Said lights would turn off and on every time he walked into a room." Eddie watched his phone.

"Cool!" Christopher turned to Eddie.

"Yeah, but it didn't last. It only lasted a few weeks." Eddie leaned back in his chair.

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