S5: E1 Panic

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"What are we talking about?" Chimney looked at them as he walked into the room.

"Fi's friend from the academy is having a Christening. Eddie and Chris are going too." Buck glanced over at Chimney.

"He's really looking forward to it. He even agreed to let me buy him a new suit. We tried on the old one last night...barely made it past his elbows. I swear that kid's shot up like a weed." Eddie chuckled.

"They'll do that." Hen nodded along with a laugh.

"Last time he wore it, it still fit him. That was at his Mother's funeral." Eddie took his turn of pool as they all frowned.

"Mrs Nash Diaz!" Hen called for Y/N as they all went silent.

"What's up?" Y/N came up the stairs with a confused frown.

"Nothing." Eddie shook his head dismissively.

"Your husband needs a hug." Chimney smiled over at Y/N.

"No, I don't." Eddie turned to Chimney with a look.

"Well, that's too bad, cause I do." Y/N smiled at Eddie softly.

"Huh, really?" Eddie watched her before making his way over and picking her up, pulling her into a hug.

"You guys are so adorable. It's burning my eyes." Buck shielded his eyes.

"Earthquake alert. That's weird. You guys feel anything?" Bobby picked up his phone with a confused frown.

"I'm not touching the ground." Y/N rested her chin on Eddie's shoulder as he looked at Bobby without letting go.

"Uh, m..mines a tsunami alert." Buck frowned as he picked up his phone.

"Mudslide warning?" Eddie grabbed Y/N's phone from her pocket.

"It's like our greatest hits." Chimney glanced around the room.

"Why isn't the bell going off?" Buck looked at Bobby.

"Don't tell us, the bombs are landing in five minutes." Chimney watched as Hens phone vibrated.

"No. Evidently I'm dialling 911." Hen held up his phone to show them.

* On Scene *

"We got her! We got her!" Eddie and Buck got the woman to the surface.

"What the hell is happening?" Buck looked around in shock.

"I have no idea." Eddie watched Buck with a shrug.

"Here. Give me your hand." Chimney and Ravi helped the woman out.

"Alright." Y/N helped Buck and Eddie climb out of the water.

* At Eddie's Place After Shift *

"All right, Chris, you ready for bed?" Eddie walked into Christopher's room as Y/N put the twins down.

"Wait! I want to pray to God! Please wait outside!" Christopher looked at Eddie, pushing him toward the door.

"Okay, okay." Eddie chuckled as Eddie left his room.

"Christopher down?" Y/N walked over to Eddie.

"Not yet. Said he wants to pray." Eddie smiled down at her.

"Okay. I'll go start the dishes." Y/N kissed Eddie on the cheek.

"I really, really want my Mum..Fi to officially adopt me. But I want to know if it's okay with my Mum. Can you ask her for me?" Christopher prayed beside his bed as Eddie listened to him from outside the door.

A Phoenix Rises From Ashes (A 9•1•1 Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu