S5: E6 Brawl In Cell Block 9-1-1

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They were escorted into the prison, the hallways littered with blood and rags.

"All right, guys, get those hoses set. Come on, let's go. Let's go." Bobby turned to them as he opened the door to the flames.

"Buck, Eddie, put up a water curtain. That thing is gonna keep sucking smoke up into the system." Bobby gestured for Buck and Eddie to move forward.

"Okay, Ravi, Fi, go find the kill switch." Bobby turned back to the two.

"Copy that, Cap." Y/N gave a nod, following behind Ravi.

"You let me know when you got it." Bobby watched the two through the smoke.

"We got it, Cap." Ravi pulled the switch.

"All right, guys, knock it down, knock it down." Bobby signalled to Buck and Eddie.

Bobby left the room to talk to Garcia, as the rest of them finished up.

"Okay, 118, let's go. We're on the move." Bobby walked down the hallway, keeping an eye out for any potential threats.

Y/N caught up to Bobby, stopping him, having thought she heard something. Bobby held his hand out to stop others to see what Y/N had heard.

"What is that? Is someone else in here?" Hen turned to their escort.

"No. This area should be secure." Their escort shook his head as Y/N kept moving.

"Over here." Bobby followed after her.

"Holy crap, that's Mitchell. I wonder who got the drop on him." Escort frowned in shock.

"Maybe one of your colleagues. It doesn't look like he held back, either. Airways compromised. We're probably looking at a crushed trachea." Hen glanced up at him.

"All right, we got to move." Escort went to leave.

"Woah, woah, hey. These men are injured." Buck stopped him.

"Oh, and the guy in the shackles has got a nasty gash in his lower abdomen." Eddie winced at the wound.

"They're scumbags. Leave em here." Escort shook his head with a scoff.

"You're joking right?" Y/N looked at him in disbelief as people shouted over the radio.

"We're not leaving anybody. All right. Let's get em up and out. No time for gurneys." Bobby helped Hen.

They got buzzed out, Y/N following behind Buck and Eddie, but Hen and Bobby stopped as their victim started having a seizure.

"All right, you guys go. Your guy can barely breathe. Go. We're gonna be right behind you. That's an order. Stay together." Bobby looked at the three.

"Protocol says you've got to have two guards with you." Escort protested with Bobby.

"Plenty of room if you want to join." Eddie rolled his eyes as Y/N helped them.

"You guys our escort?" Buck looked at the guards as they got settled in the ambulance.

"Yes, sir. Let's get moving." One nodded getting in the back with Eddie and Y/N as the other got in the front with Buck.

Buck started driving the ambulance as Y/N assisted Eddie in the back.

The two looked up as the ambulance went silent and the lights turned off, Eddie glanced up to find the guard holding a gun to Y/N's head.

"What the hell?" Eddie glared at the fake guard.

"I can't thank you boys and lady enough. I've waited 18 years to get the hell out of that place." The inmate smiled at Eddie.

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