S5: E3 Desperate Measures

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"So this house party...when did it start?" Maynard looked at Michael.

"I...Just like, um, early. 10am people started popping by." Michael watched Maynard.

"Do you remember the past time you saw your son?" Maynard glanced at Athena.

"Oh, God. Honestly, I'm not sure." Michael grimaced in guilt.

"You need to be sure, Michael." Athena turned to look at him.

"Yeah, but, I'm not Athena." Michael glanced at Athena.

"What the hell were you thinking? Just letting strangers just traipse in and out of our house like that?" Athena stared at Michael.

"They're not strangers, they're neighbours. Your neighbours. And I probably wouldn't have had I known that there was some psycho with a vendetta out for you who escaped and was out on the loose!" Michael raised his voice at Athena.

"Michael, Michael, where were you when the generator died?" Bobby got to his feet.

"The generator did not die. It was unplugged. David said so." Athena looked at Bobby.

"Somebody probably kicked that plug out of the wall. I was tripping on it all day long." Michael defended against Athena.

"Nobody tripped over any plug. Jeffery Hudson was in this house, I know it. He cut the power and he took our son." Athena moved toward Michael.

"We don't know that for sure. Not yet." Maynard looked at them.

"Harry's not at any of the neighbours houses that we checked." David walked over to them.

"And nobody we spoke to remember seeing him leaving, by himself or with anyone matching Hudson's description." The officer added on.

"They only remembered who Harry was, because Lucky was with him the whole time." David glanced at Y/N.

"That's right. So, where's Lucky?" Michael nodded.

"We are wasting time. We need to get detectives down here. And, no offense, I appreciate the help, but my ex husband's surgeon boyfriend does not need to be the one out here canvassing." Athena looked at Maynard.

"All right, I'll see who's available. Excuse me." Maynard headed away from them.

"Hello?" Athena answered her ringing phone.

"Dad?" Harry's voice came through the phone.

"Harry?" Michael's face fell.

"Harry, are you okay?" Athena looked at Michael.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Harry was calmer than they expected.

"Where are you?" Athena was hopeful that she'd been wrong.

"I'm not sure." Harry responded.

"What do you mean you're not sure?" Athena frowned confused.

"He means the whole city's dark." Jeffrey made Harry cry out in pain in the background.

"Jeffrey!" Athena stopped Michael from doing or saying anything.

"You know, I gotta commend you. Somebody raised this boy right. He's been very polite. When I threatened to shoot everyone in your house, he did exactly as I asked." Jeffrey had an amused tone.

"You do not have to do this, Jeffrey." Athena watched them all.

"Don't I? I feel like I kinda have to do something. I don't think my court case was really going all that well, to be honest, and, well, things have escalated." Jeffrey continued complaining.

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