S5: E15 FOMO

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"Hey, mi amor." Eddie smiled from the couch as Y/N got home from shift.

"The kids asleep?" Y/N frowned noticing how quiet it was.

"Yeah. They wanted to wait up but I told them they'd see you in the morning." Eddie reassured her.

"Okay. How's work?" Y/N sat down next to him.

"It's okay, I miss the firehouse but I understand that I'm not ready to come back yet." Eddie put his arm around her.

"There will be a spot for you when you're ready. There always will be." Y/N smiled at Eddie.

"I know. Bobby said that too." Eddie nodded.

* At Hen's Place *

"You still haven't spoken to Fi?" Karen looked at Chimney in disbelief.

"Did she do something wrong?" Denny looked at them with a frown.

"No, baby, Fi didn't do anything wrong." Hen reassured Denny.

"How about we go get some ice cream." Karen looked at Denny with a smile.

"I don't know what to say to her, Hen. I said things that I had no right to say." Chimney sighed in defeat.

"What exactly did you say?" Hen frowned.

"She didn't tell you?" Chimney watched Hen surprised.

"Going by your reaction and that she didn't say anything, I'm guessing it wasn't good." Hen looked at Chimney.

"I said something about how everyone she touches dies or gets seriously hurt. Then I kind of listed everyone that she's lost or seen her hurt. Bobby, her Mum, us, Buck, Eddie, Christopher, Athena, Harry, Maddie, her childhood friends and siblings. And then I went ahead and said I wouldn't let her get close enough to Jee Yun. Am I a bad brother?" Chimney looked up at Hen with a tear stained face.

"No, you were in pain. And Fi knows that, that's why she didn't tell me or Bobby, because she didn't want us to think bad of you. She loves you, Chim, but you need to talk to her and apologise." Hen insisted upon Chimney.

* On Scene The Next Day *

The man led them through the building, explaining what the groom had been doing based on a digital record down to every second.

Y/N looked around as Buck defended the entire show, and Hen took care of the groom.

The cameras watched and filmed them the entire time they worked and started to leave to get the groom to the hospital.
They'd even been asked if they could sign forms for themselves to be shown on the TV.

"Get that stupid camera out of my face." Y/N shoved a camera away from her in annoyance.

"Fi doesn't like cameras." Buck put his arm around Y/N amused.

"Why would I? You record yourself or take photos, forget your phone and anyone can pretend to be you." Y/N shrugged at Buck.

* The Next Day In Engine *

"I mean, I get it, she spent her 20s going after very specific goal. She didn't waste time figuring out what she wanted, like I did. Now she's feeling like she missed out on a key part of life." Hen looked at them all.

"I thought Karen liked her job." Bobby frowned.

"She does. It's not really that, it's like, she never got to be really free." Hen looked at Bobby.

"So, she wants to be 20 again. Work all day, party all night." Chimney did a weird dance, Y/N had to try hard not to show any sign of amusement.

"I wouldn't go back to my 20s if you paid me." Bobby shook his head.

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