S5: E4 Home and Away

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I know this is an extremely short chapter and doesn't include much of the episode considering how long it's been since the last update.
This episode is just so emotional and I was struggling to write it.
I promise I'm going to update more often, I've even made a post schedule.

"Hey, I heard what happened, you okay?" Y/N looked up as Eddie arrived home from the hospital.

"I just can't imagine ever having to go through that." Eddie leaned into her, and she wrapped her arms around him in comfort.

"Daddy!" Eva ran over with a wide grin.

"Hey! If it isn't my favourite daughter." Eddie picked her up with a smile.

"Muma! Don't let Dad in the kitchen." Christopher looked over from the hallway with a smile.

"Why?" Eddie looked at Christopher with a hint of a smile.

"Just a little surprise, to cheer you up. Finding out your kid is....is bad enough but thinking they are okay and then they're not...it's... unimaginable." Y/N frowned at the thought.

"I know. I can't imagine the pain that family is going through. And having to tell her best friend that she didn't make it.." Eddie watched Y/N.

* Later That Night *

"Maddie took Jee-Yun to the emergency room." Chimney looked at Buck as he opened the door.

"Uh, O..okay." Buck closed the door.

"It was during the blackout. There was some kind of accident. Maddie was bathing her and the baby slipped under the water. That's what she meant when she said Jee-Yun wasn't safe with her." Chimney watched Buck.

"But Jee Yun is fine." Buck reassured Chimney.

"Yeah, exactly, she's fine. But Maddie is out there somewhere, beating herself up because she lost grip of a slippery child. She needs to know that this wasn't her fault." Chimney stared at Buck, worried about Maddie.

"And she'll figure that out if you give her time." Buck walked toward Chimney slowly.

"Time? She needs me. I'm going after her." Chimney gave Buck a look.

"Well, sh..she said she..she didn't want you to do that right?" Buck frowned at Y/N on the couch.

"Chim, Maddie just needs to figure this out alone." Y/N walked over to them.

"Buck, Fi, you're not listening. She exiled herself because she thinks she's a danger to the baby. I can't leave her alone like that, believing that, thinking the worst of herself. She needs to know." Chimney looked between them.

"Know what? That you love her? That you support her? Chim, she knows. What she needs is time, and she will come home." Buck looked at Y/N for help.

"If anyone knows Maddie, Chim. It's Buck. If he says she'll come back home with time, then she will." Y/N watched Chimney.

"Why weren't you surprised? Either of you? When I told you that Jee Yun almost drowned, you didn't even blink. It wasn't until I said that I was going after Maddie...Did you guys know? She told you? Is that it? She called you and you already knew about this because she told you?" Chimney looked at them with eyes filled with tears.

"She called me panicked when it happened." Y/N frowned, her self hatred growing.

"Where is she Buck?" Chimney looked at Buck.

"I..I don't know. She wouldn't tell me." Buck tried to hold back tears.

"Eight...days. You have waited eight days while you have seen the hell I've been going through, and neither of you told me?" Chimney got mad.

"She..she said she was fine..you know? She..she just needed to figure some stuff out. And she..she was more worried about you. She..she asked me to check in on you and Jee Yun and make sure that you're okay." Buck watched Chimney and Chimney punched him out of nowhere.

"I am not okay." Chimney gave Buck a hurt look.

"Chim!" Y/N followed after him, not wanting him to do anything stupid.

"What do you want Phoenix?!" Chimney turned to her angrily.

"I don't want you to do anything stupid. I want you to calm down and think rationally." Y/N watched him concerned.

"I know you're used to losing people, but I am not!" Chimney snapped at her.

"I can't love Maddie as much as you, but I know exactly what she's going through. She needs time to figure this out for herself." Y/N insisted ignoring his comment.

"You don't understand! How could you? Everyone you touch dies or gets seriously hurt before you get too close to them. Your Mother, sister and brother dead. Your three childhood friends dead. Buck crushed by a ladder truck. Eddie shot. Christopher almost drowned in a tsunami. Rebar through my skull. Maddie kidnapped and beaten up. Athena assaulted. Harry kidnapped. Hen trapped after the earthquake. Bobby shot. Who's next? Your kids? I won't let you close enough to Jee Yun to hurt her too." Chimney looked at her with a harsh glare before storming off.

* The Next Morning *

"Well, there's nothing wrong with his aim. He got you good." Eddie walked over with drinks.

"Look, I get why he's mad. What are we supposed to do? She begged us not to tell him we talked." Buck looked at Eddie.

"She's your sister." Eddie shrugged at Buck.

"Thought I could help them both. Could, uh, convince her to come home and stop him from spiralling out of control. Kind of feels like I failed on both fronts." Buck watched Eddie.

"You were always gonna fail." Eddie put his arm around Y/N.

"Well, that's dark." Buck frowned confused.

"Look, you love Maddie, and you love Chimney, and you're the guy who likes to fix things. But maybe this isn't something you can fix." Eddie reassured Buck.

"He..he kept on saying that, you know, she could be in trouble, she needs our help. But I know she's gonna be okay. He just doesn't know her the way I do." Buck looked at his drink with a frown.

"Or you don't know her the way he does. When you think of your sister, you see this person you've always looked up to. The woman who's taken care of you. But maybe that's not who she is right now. This time, maybe she's the one who needs taking care of." Eddie kissed Y/N on the head.

"You think he's gonna forgive me?" Buck took his words into consideration.

"No. Kidding. I'm just kidding. Maybe. Ice goes on the eye, bud." Eddie chuckled at Buck.

"Do you think I'm cursed?" Y/N looked at Buck with a troubled expression.

"What?" Buck smiled confused as Eddie chuckled at the random question.

"I mean, everyone I touch dies or gets seriously hurt. Marcy, my baby brother and sister, my three childhood friends are all dead. Athena got assaulted, Harry got kidnapped. Chim got a rebar through the skull, Eddie and Dad got shot, you got crushed by a ladder truck. Christopher almost died in the tsunami, Hen nearly got crushed during the earthquake.  Maddie got abducted. Michael got cancer." Y/N listed everything that's happened to people.

"Did Chimney say that?" Eddie frowned at Y/N concerned.

"It doesn't matter who said it. It only matters whether it's true or not." Y/N avoided the question.

"It's not. And not just because I don't believe in curses. Things happen, but we're okay. Nobody's going to die anytime soon." Eddie shook his head.

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