S5: E10 Wrapped In Red

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"What do you think? Some kind of road rage incident? Trolley rage?" Buck looked at them.

"I'm definitely sensing some kind of rage." Eddie smiled up at Y/N making it impossible for her not to smile.

"Why is it every time he smiles at you, you can't help but smile or giggle?" Chimney glanced at Y/N.

"They're love sick puppies." Hen gave Chimney a look.

"Hey Ravi, go check on the driver. Buck, Eddie, Fi, you're gonna handle this victim." Bobby looked at them.

"Hey, we got an injured man down on the ground. Let's give the officers a break. Can one of you tell me what happened?" Bobby looked at the two women.

"This women is having an affair with my husband." The blonde looked at Bobby.

"This woman is lying. He's my husband. I have a ring and everything. My husband is wearing a matching one, you can check it if you don't believe me." The brunette glared.

"I was asking about the accident." Bobby watched them as Y/N tried to hold back a laugh.

Y/N kept laughing uncontrollably as they transported the victim.

"Fi." Bobby gave her an amused look.

"Merry Christmas." Y/N laughed even harder.

* At Eddie's Place *

"What do you think?" Eddie looked at Christopher.

"It's facing the wrong way." Christopher shook his head.

"There's a right way?" Eddie glanced at Y/N and she shrugged.

"The skinny side should face the window." Christopher looked at Y/N, rolling his eyes at Eddie and Eddie turned the tree around confused.

"There that's it." Christopher smiled at Eddie.

"Hey, you finally got it." Y/N smiled amused making Christopher laugh.

"There ready for ornaments." Eddie looked at the tree as Y/N helped with the lights.

"I see bare spots." Christopher watched them.

"How many lights were you thinking?" Eddie looked at Y/N, a hint of frustration and he grabbed four boxes.

Christopher kept being fussy with the Christmas tree, and Eddie had tried to get Christopher to bed so he could have a break.

"Night Dad, Night Mumma." Christopher hugged them both.

* The Next Morning *

"What's wrong with the tree?" Carla looked at the tree.

"Everything apparently. It was facing the wrong way, he didn't like the way I was stringing the lights, and I was putting the ornaments in the wrong places. It felt like I was being judged by Martha Stewart." Eddie looked at Carla.

"He's growing up. You know, becoming his own person, forming his own opinions." Carla shrugged at him.

"About the proper popcorn to cranberry ratio, of garland. It's five to one, just in case you were wondering." Eddie gave Carla a look.

"Of course it is. Anything else would be madness." Carla laughed when Christopher screamed.

"Are you okay?" Eddie ran into the room, Y/N close behind having been with the twins.

"I'm fine." Christopher looked at Eddie.

"We heard you scream. What happened? Did you have a bad dream? You want to talk about it? Sometimes talking about it, makes it less scary." Eddie watched Christopher.

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