S6: E3 The Devil You Know

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"So, heard anything from Bobby?" Hen looked at Y/N as she walked upstairs.

"Not much. He's prime focus is Athena and her parents, right now." Y/N gave a small shrug.

"What's for lunch?" Chimney looked at Hen as he came upstairs with Eddie and Buck.

"I haven't really thought.." Hen looked at them.

"You did, remember? You came to me asking if I could handle lunch? I said I'd make shepherds pie." Y/N looked at Hen with a smile.

"Oh, right. I forgot." Hen smiled at Y/N in appreciation.

"Your famous shepherds pie?" Chimney licked his lips at the thought.

"Of course." Y/N nodded amused.

"I'll help, if you want." Buck offered his assistance.

"Thank you. Let's get started, shall we?" Y/N looked at Buck.

"Yeah." Buck gave her a nod of confirmation.

"I have paperwork I need to catch up on." Hen got to her feet looking at them.

"Have fun." Y/N headed to the kitchen with Buck.

Hen walked into her temporary office but when she looked over the paperwork, she'd discovered it had already been done and all she needed to do was sign it all which wouldn't take long.

Hen saw a medical book on her desk, and she frowned, thinking about how she hadn't passed. She went to throw it in the bin but she stopped when she saw a few sticky notes on the inside of the first page.

Hen smiled as she read the little notes, she sat down, and started reading through the book, every now and then, glancing at the sticky notes which made her smile every time.

"Hey, Hen. Lunch is ready." Y/N knocked on the door a while later.

"Thank you, Fi. For the lunch, paperwork, the sticky notes and, well, everything." Hen got up and hugged her.

"Of course. I told you I'd help you if you needed me to. I didn't say I'd wait for you to come to me because I would be waiting for decades." Y/N chuckled with Hen.

"So, why didn't you want to be interim Captain?" Hen watched her as they headed to eat.

"I like where I'm at, and I love my role in this firehouse. I get to help everyone, including the Captain." Y/N shrugged at Hen.

"Do you think Buck should have been interim captain?" Hen glanced ahead at Buck.

"Not yet. He has a couple more things he needs to learn, first. But, soon, he'll make an amazing leader. He has the heart, the confidence and the skill. All he needs is to understand his own importance." Y/N watched Buck with a smile.

"You are your Father's daughter." Hen smiled at her.

"Come on ladies, we want to eat!" Chimney looked over at them.

"When don't you?" Y/N shot back as the two joined them.

"Good question." Eddie chuckled as Buck fed his face.

"So, you and Maddie are back together?" Y/N looked at Chimney.

"Look, Fi. Maddie and I might be back together, but you'll always be the love of her life." Chimney reassured Y/N.

"She knows. Who'd choose you over Fi?" Buck joked with Chimney.

"Not me. Definitely not." Eddie smiled at Y/N.

"Sorry, Chim. But Fi is my girl." Hen shrugged.

"Mine too." Buck put his arm around Y/N.

"I'd choose her over me, any day." Chimney shrugged at their responses.

"Don't say that." Y/N gave him a glare.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." Chimney raised his hands in surrender.

"This food is to die for." Buck grabbed himself seconds.

"Well, my Dad is a master chef." Y/N shook her head at Buck amused.

"How's the autobiography going?" Eddie looked at Y/N.

"You're writing an autobiography?" Hen smiled at Y/N proudly.

"Yeah, I know it sounds stupid.." Y/N watched them.

"It doesn't. I for one, would love to read your life story. See how you see the world." Chimney reassured her.

"Well, it's not finished yet. But I'm hoping to finish it before Dad gets back, and have him read over it..at least the start to make sure I got it right." Y/N smiled lightly.

"Have you told him you're writing it?" Buck watched her.

"Thought I'd wait until all the drama was over and Samuel was better." Y/N turned to Buck.

"That's reasonable." Hen nodded.

"This is my wife right here." Eddie grinned kissing her on the top of her head.

"She was my best friend first." Buck gave Eddie a look.

"Our little sister, way before you." Hen and Chimney crossed their arms watching Buck.

"And My Dad's daughter for even way longer." Y/N shook her head in amusement.

"Here's a question, did Bobby call you Phoenix as a kid or the name that shall not be mentioned or else death?" Chimney looked at Y/N.

"Always Phoenix or Fi." Y/N couldn't help but laugh at the way he phrased the question.

"Why not make it your first name?" Eddie frowned confused.

"Marcy wouldn't allow it. Didn't want me to be tempted into the firefighter life and feel immortal or something." Y/N shrugged, unsure of the actual way Marcy had phrased it.

"Well, names are powerful." Hen smiled at Y/N.

"I think names are just names." Chimney shrugged at them.

"Okay, Howard." Y/N smirked at him.

"Of course, you'd say that." Chimney shook his head in regret of saying anything.

"So, what's for lunch tomorrow, Fi?" Buck watched her.

"I'm a baker, not a chef. I guess, I can make croissants or sausage rolls?" Y/N tried to think of ideas.

"How about both?" Bucks face lit up like a puppy being given a bone.

"Fine. Just stay out of my kitchen. All of you." Y/N gave in.

"Even me?" Eddie pouted at her.

"You're adorable, but yes, even you." Y/N nodded making Buck laugh.

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