S6: E15 Death and Taxes

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Short chapter cause it's kind of a boring one
If the tax thing isn't accurate, I apologise, I don't pay taxes yet and it's different for each country I believe

"Dispatch said a man broke in after hours, tried to burn the office down. LAPD is on the way, but the caller said the victim is no longer a threat." Bobby led them through the building.

"Burning down a tax office? Sounds like something Buck would do." Y/N looked at Eddie with a smile.

"Probably why he wasn't successful." Eddie chuckled looking at Buck.

"Hey!" Buck gave them an offended look.

"Why didn't the sprinklers go off?" Buck changed the topic.

"Somebody's quick on their feet. Avoided some serious damage." Eddie shrugged.

"I tried to move him but his skin fell off. I didn't know what to do." The man looked at Bobby.

"Well, you did good putting out the fire. Tell you what, let's step to the side. Let my team finish up here. Buck, Fi, check for hotspots. Chim, you're with me." Bobby led the man out of the room.

Buck and Y/N took care of all the hotspots, when Buck found a damaged wallet and picked it up with a frown.

"Okay, office is clear. I...I found this. Looks like it belongs to the perp." Buck handed the wallet to Bobby.

"Mason Lewis. Do you know this guy?" Bobby held the ID out to the man as he put his glasses on.

"He's a client. He was being audited." The man inspected the photo.


"Remember that big Math test? I aced it. But science is still my favourite subject. We made s'mores with solar ovens and now we can make s'mores every night like we used to." Christopher smiled at the thought.

"Well not every night." Eddie chuckled at Christopher.

"Why not?" Christopher looked at Eddie confused.

"Well, funny thing about solar ovens, they don't work at night." Eddie glanced at Y/N with the twins.

"Dad, you know what I mean. I still miss making s'mores with you Mum." Christopher looked at the headstone.

"I'm sure she misses making them with you too, bud." Eddie frowned slightly.

"Dad, do you think she can hear us when we talk to her?" Christopher glanced at Eddie.

"Absolutely. It's why we come here." Eddie nodded.

"I wish I could hear her talk back." Christopher frowned sadly.

"Me too, bud." Eddie fought the tears in his eyes.

Eva hugged the headstone with a smile, Christopher got up with a smile, doing the same as did Henry.

"I miss you Mum." Christopher closed his eyes as Y/N and Eddie looked at each other.

* At Eddie's House *

Y/N could hear the kids and Eddie making s'mores from hers and Eddie's room.
Y/N grabbed a box down off the shelf, opening it gently.

"Chris! Can you come here for a minute?" Y/N grabbed a letter out of the box.

"Yeah?" Christopher made his way into the room.

"You know, your Mum asked me to do two things for her. The first was to take care of you and your Dad." Y/N put her arm around him as he sat down next to her.

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