S6: E1 Let The Games Begin

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"Buck, Hen, kill that light tower. Eddie, once the ladders in position, you and Chim, you run point. Fi make your way inside and see how it's going." Bobby looked at them all.

"Copy that, Cap." Y/N gave him a nod before heading into the stadium.

"Thena!" Y/N ran up the stairs seeing Athena near a young girl.

"Fi, help me find a backpack similar to this." Athena gestured to the bag.

"All right." Y/N ran up the stairs and down the hallway.

"Fi!" Athena looked over at her from the other direction.

"Hey." Y/N ran over quickly.

"Fi, stay with her. I'm going to help her daughter." Athena reassured Y/N and the woman.

"Hey, your daughter is going to be fine. So, are you. Okay? Just stay still." Y/N reassured the woman.

"Hen, Chim. Bring a backboard and neck brace." Y/N grabbed her radio keeping an eye on the woman.

"Copy that, Fi. I'm on my way." Hen reassured her.

"Hen!" Y/N waved her over.

"I'm here. Okay, let's get this on her and then we'll get her on the backboard. Get her out of here." Hen looked at Y/N.

"Just tell me what to do." Y/N nodded to Hen.

They got the woman outside safely, Chimney taking over from Y/N.

"I'm going to head back, do another check for anyone." Y/N looked at Hen.

"Okay, be careful." Hen gave her a nod and Y/N headed back inside.

"Thena, how we doing?" Y/N ran to Athena's side.

"We're good. She's breathing." Athena reassured Y/N with a smile.

* At Bucks Place *

"So, it doesn't bother you? That Bobby didn't even consider any of us for interim captain?" Buck looked at Eddie and Y/N.

"Not really. I just got back to the 118. Clearly it's bothering you." Eddie glanced at Buck.

"Don't get me wrong, I think Lucy is whatever, you know, she's great. But she's out. You know, I think it's weird that he's struggling to pick a replacement when he has so many other excellent options right under his nose." Buck continued making dinner.

"Like you?" Eddie helped Christopher.

"It's like he's choosing not to see them and everything they have to offer." Buck shook his head.

"Time. Aw, you'll win next time. What are you offering?" Eddie reassured Christopher.

"Right now, Bobby's famous lasagna, 6 types of cheese, cooked to perfection. Okay, very hot. Don't use your hands." Buck placed the lasagna on the table.

"It does look good." Eddie looked at Buck.

"Smells really good too." Christopher smiled.

"And it only took me 3 tries to get it right." Buck smiled proudly.

"I'm not sure you get 3 tries on the job. And at least not without a significant body count." Eddie helped Christopher pack up.

"I just want to know what these other candidates have that I don't." Buck frowned at Eddie.

"Buck, you don't even have a couch." Christopher and Eddie laughed.

"Dinner time." Y/N pulled the twins to their feet.

"I'm hungry!" Eva looked at Buck excitedly as she climbed onto her chair.

"Good thing, there's plenty of food." Buck smiled at her.

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