S3: E8 Malfunction

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9 Weeks Pregnant

"I haven't seen this much blood on the ice since a squirrel crawled into the Zamboni." Nicole led Bobby toward the stage.

"Any idea what caused the accident?" Bobby looked at Nicole.

"Well, the Snowy owls were finishing up their Free in the Forest bit. Hansel and Gretel hit the ice for their breadcrumbs schtick, and boom, bloodbath on ice." Nicole looked at Bobby.

"What's the story Chim?" Bobby turned to Chimney.

"These two children are abandoned in the woods. They come upon a gingerbread house where a witch entices them..It was a multi skater pile up. Most of the injuries are minor except for that guy. He lost four digits. We hit him with a local anesthetic to transport. Still gotta find the fingers, though." Chimney led Bobby onto the ice as Y/N chuckled watching Buck slipping constantly.

"And what about Hansel and Gretel?" Bobby looked ahead.

"Hansel took Gretel's blade to the chest." Chimney looked at Hen.

"They propped him up to minimise the damage. The skates buried about 3 centimetres into his chest. Barely missed his heart." Hen glanced at Bobby.

"He doesn't have a heart." Gretel looked at Hen.

"Really? We're doing this now?" Hansel looked at Gretel shakily.

"You think you can cut her foot out of the skate so we can transport them?" Bobby glanced at Hen.

"It'd probably be easier if they'd stop arguing." Hen watched Chimney and Bobby.

"Then you might wanna sedate her." Hansel looked at them in pain.

"Hen, I need trauma shears. I can't find mine. This is a laryngoscope." Chimney looked at Hen confused.

"Oh, right, sorry." Hen took it back.

"What were you thinking? Breaking up with me an hour before showtime?" Gretel looked at Hansel in disbelief.

"I didn't wanna be distracted. You know, it's hard enough catching you mid air at 15 miles an hour." Hansel watched her.

"I'm not a Frisbee, Boyd. I'm your partner. At least I was." Gretel looked at the floor.

"Found two fingers, Cap. Still looking for the other ones." Buck looked at Bobby.

"Hey, got the pinkie!" Eddie looked over.

"All right. Three down, one to go." Buck watched Eddie as Y/N kept looking for the last one.

"You should be able to sew those back on, right?" A guy with green face paint walked over.

"Well, they've been on ice the whole time, so that'll help." Bobby nodded.

"He shouldn't have to lose his fingers to Sid and Nancy's psychodrama." The guy looked at Hansel and Gretel.

"Yes! I got the middle one!" Buck grinned at Eddie and Y/N.

"You want another one?" Y/N stuck up her middle finger.

"Don't be a sore loser. Hey, hey Cap! We..we found all the fingers." Buck looked at Bobby who was looking for something.

"Cap, victims are being transported." Hen walked over to him.

"Yeah. Our work here's done." Chimney frowned confused.

"Great. Ah. Found it." Bobby picked something up.

"What's that?" Eddie watched Bobby.

"A sequin. When your blade runs across one of these, it stops your skates dead in their tracks." Bobby smiled at Y/N.

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