S6: E8 What's Your Fantasy?

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"Please, you have to save my sister. She's not moving and we can't get in to help her." A young girl walked over to them.

"Is she allergic?" Hen frowned at her.

"I don't think so." The girl watched them.

"Even without a bee allergy, that many stings could cause major anaphylaxis." Chimney glanced at Hen.

"All right, clear back everybody! All right, guys, get in there. Let's go." Bobby sprayed foam at the swarm of bees.

"Pulse is racing. Got massive swelling." Chimney looked at the victim's hand.

"Hey, why don't we go over here?" Y/N led the young girl away from her sister so the others could take care of her.

"I know it must be pretty scary to see your sister like this. Were you guys having fun before she got hurt?" Bobby walked over to the girl and Y/N.

"We were kind of fighting, she wanted to show me that girls didn't have to be just princesses and then she got attacked." The girl glanced over at her sister.

"I, for one, agree with your sister. Girls can be anything they want." Y/N gave a small smile.

"Guys, we got another swarm coming in. Get your heads down. Step back, step back." Bobby grabbed the hose.

"She's going to be okay, all right? We're going to help her and get her the help she needs." Y/N reassured the girl as they watched them.

Everyone applauded as she opened her eyes, and they got her onto a gurney.

"Guess you can have your ribbon back. I did need to be saved." The oldest handed the ribbon to the younger girl.

"Yeah, but you got saved by her. You were right. Girls can totally be heroes too." The younger one looked at Hen.

* At Eddie's Place *

"Buck is baby sitting Jee Yun on his own?" Eddie looked at Y/N in disbelief.

"Yeah. And I hid a camera to record him taking care of her, because it is definitely something that I want to laugh at." Y/N smiled proudly.

"Oh? You think Buck won't notice?" Eddie chuckled at her.

"He's not the brightest. Besides Maddie and Chimney helped me find the perfect spot." Y/N shrugged with a grin.

"That'll make a great movie. A Babysitter In Trouble." Eddie smiled at the thought.

"The day he gets married or has a kid, we are so playing this." Y/N nodded eagerly.

"You think he'll ever have a kid? I know he'd be a good Dad and he wants to have a kid of his own, but he's not good with the entire relationship thing." Eddie frowned at Y/N.

"Well, I suppose we'll have to wait and see. You know, he has plans for everyone." Y/N glanced up.

"Yeah? What's his plan for us?" Eddie smiled at her.

"Each other?" Y/N shook her head at him amused.

"Ha. Well, be sure to tell him, there's nothing better in this world than my wife." Eddie kissed her and she smiled against his lips.

* On Scene The Next Day *

"Dispatch said this was an allergic reaction." Bobby frowned seeing Athena.

"Caller claimed it an attempted murder, details are hazy." Athena shrugged at Bobby.

"Hm. Interesting." Y/N looked at them.

"Why are you even inside?" Athena looked at her.

"Oh, I don't know. I wasn't paying attention." Y/N gave a shrug as she turned around.

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