S6: E12 Recovery

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Short chapter, sorry, guys.


Also this episode title does not fit Y/N's character in this chapter

"Hey, you two remember that I live alone, right?" Buck watched Maddie and Y/N fill his fridge and cupboards.

"But you're supposed to be taking it easy and letting your body heal. So we thought we'd save you a few trips to the grocery store." Maddie smiled.

"For the next 6 months?" Buck looked at the food.

"For however long it takes you to recover." Maddie reassured him.

"Maddie, Fi, I'm fine." Buck smiled at them.

"I know. Everyone else...not so much." Y/N looked at Buck quietly so Maddie didn't hear.

"Buck. You died, okay? And not almost. You actually died. We don't know the long term repercussions of that." Maddie gave Buck a look.

"Well, it was only for three minutes. Come on, if I can't make a joke about dying, what's the point in living? Okay. Uh, hey, don't you have shift today?" Buck turned to Maddie.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" Maddie watched him in disbelief.

"No. Just turning the tables. I'm starting to worry about you, because you have a job, you have a new house, you have a little girl that needs taking care of. You shouldn't be running over here all the time. Fi has it covered." Buck sat down.

"I don't mind." Maddie stood across from him.

"Well, I can tell that you don't mind, but I promise you I can take care of myself. My fingers are not broken, I can order my own food. Although, I will admit that pot roast smells pretty good." Buck looked at Maddie.

"It'll be ready in two hours. You can have it for lunch." Maddie chuckled at him.

"Maybe I can take a nap until then." Buck gave her a look.

"Fine. I'm going to work now. Take care of him." Maddie watched Buck as she went to leave.

Y/N smiled as the two of them hugged each other saying I love you.

"So, baby daddy, what now?" Y/N watched Buck with a smile.

"You should go home to Eddie and the kids." Buck turned to her.

"Uh, he took the kids out with Carla. So, you're stuck with me and your unborn child." Y/N smiled.

"Well, there's no one I'd rather be stuck with." Buck messed up her hair.

"Thanks for that, I was starting to feel organised." Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Let's teach this baby about superheroes." Buck headed to the couch and Y/N followed behind him.

* At Eddie's Place *

"Hey Mamacita." Eddie carried Henry into the house as Christopher gave Eva a piggy back ride.

"How was the movie?" Y/N smiled from the kitchen.

"Amazing!" Eva grinned in excitement.

"I'm glad." Y/N chuckled at Eva.

"It smells good." Christopher smiled putting Eva down on a chair.

"Smells like Spanish chorizo rice." Eddie walked over to her.

"It is." Y/N turned around and he kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm starving." Henry jumped onto his seat at the table.

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