S4, EP 13: The Greatest Revenge

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At Lunch

Y/n had developed a a new fear being in public, being recognized. As anything; the blind hero, the escaped patient from the mental hospital, or the hero student who's gone rouge. The lady at the cash register had recognized her as all of those names. To which Izuku said to her. "You watch too much television, perhaps you should go outside more and touch some fucking grass!!"

After that encounter, he dragged her elsewhere, a few miles away from the place, somewhere discreet enough so that she wasn't recognized. In reality, he did it for his own sake so he wasn't being bothered by pesky pedestrians.

They went to a small noodle shop, Izuku paid and chose a seat closest to window and further away from other people. Y/n ordered a small bowl of soba and he got a normal ramen noodle meal and they began talking after the waitress left.

"So...are you going to tell me?" Izuku rolled his eyes. "Or not, you don't have to, I'll just leave." Y/n began to scoot out of the booth and pretend to leave but he grabbed her hand.

"Alright! Sit down." Y/n smiled and scooted back inside where she sat directly in front of him.

"I—" He paused and sighed, almost as if he was embarrassed to talk about it. "I let my guard down once, after I left U.A I decided to turn to someone I used to hear stories about. He found me, and I trusted him until he stabbed me in my back and stole my quirk." Izuku slammed his fists on the table.

"He literally stabbed me in my back Y/n." He looked up at her with a serious expression, while her cheeks were extremely red and puffed up from holding in her laugh. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"I'm sorry, go on."

"I found that he took my quirk with some type of device, so I spent months searching for something to bring it back, and I found it. But I need four quirks from four willing participants. When I get One For All back, I will fucking destroy Zach and take everything he has, if it's the last thing I do..." He voice faded into a whisper as the waitress came with their meal, Y/n pondered about his story.

"Brave of you to trust me with this information, how do you know I'll go through with it?" She asked teasingly but he didn't seem to take it lightly, he grabbed her shirt over the table and pulled her in as far as the table would allow, knocking over the salt and some of the soup.

"Because if you don't, I will hunt you down and kill you." He seemed serious about that, something about his threatening tone even sent chills down her spine, and she never got cold.  He let her go and began to eat his food, but Y/n hesitated to touch hers.

"I see, but..what am I getting out of this?"

"Whatever you desire." He said with a mouth full of noodles. When he gulped them down he added on. "What is it you desire?" Izuku wiped the soup from his mouth.

"I need to...eliminate some people...so I can get what I want." Now that Y/n had said it out loud, it sounded more psychotic than before.

"I see why you got sent to the crazy people hospital, I love it."


Things had escalated fast, first she was in a restaurant laughing with Deku, the next she was back in his rusty place he called home and next to three other people. She hated this idea, but she knew what she needed to do to get to her true love. Izuku was only a stepping stone, and hopefully wouldn't become an obstacle.

The three other guys talked to each other and laughed while Y/n sat alone on a a separate chair, staring at the watch Izuku gave her. She knew deep down that he still trusted her even after all he's been through, and he knew at least one version of Y/n would never take advantage of that small flame of trust he still held. Their younger selves, though pushed deep down by trauma, still yearned for each other and that was something worth denying.

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