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Leah's POV

There was quite a mess in the kitchen. I noticed there wasn't much staff downstairs today.

I cleaned the kitchen from all the flour, I then went to the living room and had to pick up every single small string piece on the floor and carpet.

I swept some, but the carpet I had to do by hand, I could use a vacuum but it's late at night and I don't want to wake them up.

As I was trying to get this small string under the couch I heard footsteps and saw it was Bella.

She held Zuzu in one hand and rubbed her eye.

Probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

A warm smile spread on my face, "What's wrong, Bella?" I throw the pieces of string into the bin and walk to her, kneeling in front of her.

"I want water," she said sleepily, "Water in the middle of the night isn't good for you dear, but don't worry tomorrow I'll make sure you have water at least an hour before bed," I said picking her up, she nodded.

I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, took the jug out and pour it for her in a small teacup.

She has to get a toddler bottle or something.

I held it to her but realized she was fast asleep, I smiled at her soft snore.

Luca's POV

I was tired, as always. I know I'm very much sleep deprived, but what can I do?

I typically run the world. I can't rest until everything is done and finalised.

I walked out of my Porsche and gave the key to the butler.

I had dismissed most of the staff so Ms Moretti could feel free, and also I wanted to test if she could handle the place on her own.

I reached the door and the guards open the door, all of them keeping heads low and bowing as I pass.

I was on my phone seeing a message when I heard, "I want water" It sounded familiar.

I looked up to see Bella in her pyjamas holding a cat plushie I've never seen before.

Ms Moretti smiled and kneeled in front of her.

"Water in the middle of the night isn't good for you dear, but don't worry tomorrow I'll make sure you have water at least an hour before bed" she said picking her up.

I just stood there not really knowing what to say, most nannies would just give them what they want and call it a day.

But she actually sets limits.

Bella, according to what the maids tell me, has the tendency of asking for water in the middle of the night so it wasn't something new.

She poured her a glass not yet realising I was there or that Bella was asleep already.

When she realised Bella slept I expected her to get frustrated or angry and wake her up to drink water, but no.

She smiled and looked up finally seeing me, she looked kind of surprised and looked at her watch.

"Eleven already," she said in a low tone.

Just then my phone rang, I saw the caller ID and immediately answered walking towards the outside porch.

"Andrew" I answered, I heard papers moving "Uh...hey bro," Andrew said.

"Did you find who intersected the product shipment?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Well, yeah...kinda," he said picking the phone up from what I assumed was his desk.

"What do you mean 'kinda'?" I questioned. "It might be your father" he sighed.

I clenched my jaw.

Can that man ever leave me alone?

"Why?" I inquired, "We'll as before, he doesn't agree with you being King and taking his place" he replied.

"Merda" I hissed "If he did this he'll do something next for sure" I stated. (translation: Shit)

"Yeah, that's guaranteed" he commented "Well find some guys involved and you know what to do" I ordered.

"Sure thing Capo" he answered. (translation: Boss).

I hung up and clenched the phone in my hands. I turned around to see Ms Moretti dusting the table.

With her usual smile. I don't know why or how, but all the tension I felt suddenly melted away instantly...as though hatred never existed.

I walked back in, "I thought you'd be gone by now" I said looking at her dust her hands.

"Uh...yeah, me too. But look where I am" she said putting something in the kitchen cupboard.

"Where are they?" I asked, "Sleeping" she answered while washing her hands.

"How?" I said raising my brow, I knew that putting any of them to sleep was the one thing none of the nannies could do.

"Magic" she mentioned sarcastically.

"Really?" I asked getting tired, I just wanted an answer.

"Mr Romano, they're kids, they just need someone to say 'Go to bed' with authority and they'll do as said," she said as though it were 1st-grade literacy.

"Like employees?" I questioned confused, I was terrible at the 'father' role.

"No. Not like employees. You have to show love and expression" she said emphasizing 'love' and  'expression'.

"Great, the two things I'm worst at" I muttered.

"You'll get better" she motivated while drying her hands with a paper towel.

"So what did you think of them?" I asked, "Well, it's much easier than you made it sound yesterday. You made it sound like I was gonna take care of 3 wildebeest" She rolled her eyes crossing her arms in front of her chest.

I shook my head. "Anyway, I'm leaving" she took her bag.

"Ms Moretti there's a driver I made sure would bring you and take you back, he's outside," I said before she touched the door.

She smiled "Thanks, and by the way to 'Miss Moretti' thing is really weird, reminds me of my mom, call me Leah" she said before pushing the button to open the door.

"Good night Mr Romano," she said sweetly leaving the door to close.

What just happened? Why do I feel so alone now?

I shrugged the feeling away, I wasn't new to it, I lived with it all my life.

I went upstairs to my office.


It's one of those days sleep protests from doing its thing, I hated it.

I usually work until sleep forcefully kicks in but it's 1:30 am already.

I hated my life in general but too many people depended on me for me to even consider giving up.

It's my duties that keep me afloat...nothing else.

So far what do you think abt Luca's life and his way of thinking?

Drama is coming soon😏😏😏 *evil laughing* just sit back and relax kids👌

Question: What is one thing that always makes you angry?

Mine is when I lose something I just saw😭.

Love you all❤️

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