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Leah's POV

I didn't really understand why Linda told me not to be scared of him.

As the kids settled into their online classes, and the conversation with Linda had ended I found myself at a loss for what to do with my free time.

With the children engaged in their studies, the giant mansion felt strangely quiet and empty.

I wandered aimlessly around the living room, trying to think of something to occupy my mind.


Just then, the doorbell rang, and I saw none of the house help here so I went to answer it.

To my surprise, a man with a warm smile stood there, holding a bag filled with books and teaching materials.

I'll confess, he doesn't look bad either. I felt my cheeks get a little red.

"Hi, I'm Alex, the new tutor," he said, extending his hand in greeting.

I shook his hand, feeling a flutter in my chest at his friendly demeanour.

"I-I'm Leah, t-the kids' nanny," I replied with a smile.

Alex stepped inside, and we found ourselves chatting effortlessly.

He had a natural charm and a sense of humour that made me feel comfortable in his presence.

As we exchanged stories and got to know each other, I couldn't help but notice how easy it was to talk to him.

"So we're you raised in Italy because you have an interesting accent?" I asked looking at him.

"I didn't think you'd realise" he chuckled "I wasn't raised in Italy, both my parents are Italian but I grew up in Germany" he smiled.

"Oh, that makes more sense" I giggled, he looked at his watch.

"Their class must be over, I have to go now," he said looking at me.

A gush of sadness rushed over me, I knew I'd be left alone again.

"I'll accompany you" I suggested, "Thank you, but you really don't need to" he looked at me.

"What no, I have nothing else in my life to do so why not" I said walking towards the stairs.

We got upstairs, I opened to playroom's door and they were chatting.

"Morning" I greeted walking in, "Morning Miss Leah," they all said in unison.

"This is Alex, he'll be your new tutor" I gestured towards him.

"Good morning," he greeted and they replied.

"Anyway, who's dying of hunger?" I said jokingly.

They all raise their hands, "I'll make sure you'll have lunch right after you're done" I smiled.

I walked out giving a thumbs up at Alex.

I closed the door and went downstairs.

As the day passed, I found myself looking forward to Alex's breaks.

We laughed and shared jokes, and the empty mansion filled with an easy camaraderie whenever he was around.

I appreciated how he genuinely cared for the kids' education and how he made learning fun for them.

However, along with the budding friendship, I couldn't ignore the butterflies that danced in my stomach whenever Alex was near.

I questioned myself, wondering if these feelings made more sense than the inexplicable attraction I felt towards Luca.

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