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Third-Person POV

As the car navigated the streets, Leah's gaze wandered out of the window, her mind lost in thought.

She felt the weight of recent events pressing down on her, the dangers that had infiltrated her world becoming increasingly evident.

Glancing at Luca, she finally voiced the question that had been swirling in her mind.

"Luca, where are we going?"

He looked at her, his expression serious yet reassuring.

"We're heading to Scotland."

"Scotland?" Leah's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "But why Scotland?"

A sigh escaped Luca's lips as he leaned back in his seat.

"Italy isn't safe for us right now. My enemies are growing bolder, and they seem to be targeting me directly. I don't want to take any chances with your safety or the kids'."

Leah's heart sank as the reality of their situation settled in.

The danger had escalated to a point where even their home country was no longer a place of refuge.

She glanced at the passing scenery outside, her thoughts a whirlwind of worry and uncertainty.

"Scotland is a neutral ground for now," Luca continued.

"My connections there are strong, and we have allies who can help protect us. I also have the majority of my men there and no one knows where my estate is located in Scotland. You'll stay there with the kids until I can figure out the next move."

Leah nodded slowly, absorbing his words.

She knew that Luca was doing everything in his power to keep them safe, but the gravity of the situation was overwhelming. "And the kids,  are they there already?"

"We've arranged for their safety as well," Luca assured her. "They'll be with Andrew, who will also be in Scotland. I trust him to watch over them."

Leah took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart.

She had always known that Luca's world was dangerous, but being directly caught up in it was a stark reminder of the risks he faced.

"I just want you all to be safe," Luca added, his voice softening.

"I won't let anything happen to you."

Leah's gaze met his, gratitude and a complex mix of emotions shining in her eyes.

"I know, Zach. And I trust you."

As the car continued its journey, Leah couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for her in Scotland.

Leah settled into her seat on the private plane, the hum of the engines a constant reminder of the distance they were putting between themselves and the chaos left behind in Italy.

She gazed out of the window at the clouds passing by, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

Five months ago, when she had taken on the job as a nanny for Luca's children, she could have never anticipated the twists and turns her life would take.

What had started as a seemingly simple position had quickly evolved into a journey filled with danger, intrigue, and unexpected feelings?

She had gone from being a normal woman, focused on her studies and her dreams, to being thrust into a world of power struggles, enemies, and secrets.

The life she had known seemed like a distant memory, replaced by a reality she never could have imagined.

Leah's gaze drifted to Luca, who was seated nearby, engrossed in his thoughts.

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