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Leah's POV

The night had fallen, and the kids were peacefully asleep in their rooms.

I walked down the hallway, making sure not to wake them.

It had been a long day of school and activities, and they needed their rest.

As I made my way to my own room, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and determination.

Tonight was the night.

I had decided that I needed to have that conversation with Luca, to lay my feelings and insecurities bare.



Entering my room, I closed the door softly behind me.

The dim light from the bedside lamp cast a warm, reassuring glow over the room.

It was my sanctuary, the place where I could gather my thoughts.

I took a deep breath and sat down at my desk, where my laptop sat open.

I had decided to write down my thoughts, to prepare a speech of sorts.

You look like you're preparing for a school speech

I know but it was the only way I could ensure that I wouldn't stumble over my words or forget to say something important.

You'll probably forget all of that

I ignored Lee no matter how true it was.

I began typing, the words flowing from my heart onto the screen.

I wrote about my fears, my doubts, and my hopes.

I wrote about the kids, about Luca, and about myself.

It was a cathartic experience, and with each word, I felt a weight lifting off my shoulders.

As I neared the end of my speech, I thought about what I wanted to say to Luca, and how I wanted to express my feelings.

It was a delicate balance between vulnerability and strength, between admitting my fears and embracing the possibility of a future together.

With the speech finally completed, I saved the document and closed my laptop.

I glanced at the clock on my bedside table.

Luca would be back from his meeting soon.

It was time to face the inevitable, to have that conversation that had been hanging over us for far too long.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up and went down the stairs.

I walked to the window.

I looked out at the night sky, the stars twinkling in the darkness.

It was a reminder that even amid uncertainty, there was beauty and possibility.

I knew that I couldn't hide from my feelings any longer.

It was time to be honest with Luca, to share my heart with him, and to see where this journey would lead us.


The minutes felt like hours as I stood by the window, watching the driveway for any sign of Luca's return.

My heart raced, and my palms felt clammy.

Nervousness and a touch of fear coiled in the pit of my stomach.

Finally, the headlights of Luca's car pierced through the darkness, and I could hear the soft purr of the engine as it approached.

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