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Luca's POV

As the days turned into weeks, I found myself in a constant battle within my own heart.

My mind opposed while my heart yearned.

My feelings for Leah were undeniable, a torrent of emotions that I struggled to contain.

Yet, uncertainty gripped me – the fear of rejection, the weight of my responsibilities, and the knowledge that our worlds were fundamentally different.

I am determined to bridge the growing chasm between us, I sought opportunities to spend time with Leah.

Yet, every time I attempted to engage her in a meaningful conversation or share a moment alone, she seemed to find reasons to leave the situation, to keep a safe distance.

It was as if she was intentionally avoiding being alone with me.

At first, I dismissed it as mere coincidence, attributing it to her busy schedule or her interactions with the kids.

But as the pattern persisted, doubt began to creep in.

She distanced herself even more than she did before.

She always made sure there was always a large gap between us.

She kept the conversation short and straight to the point.

One evening, I watched as Leah excused herself from a casual gathering we were having in the garden.

She had said that she had some task that needed her full attention, her gaze avoiding mine.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration.

It seemed that every time I was on the verge of a genuine conversation with her, she slipped away.

It was maddening.

I yearned to know her thoughts, to hear her laughter, and to understand the emotions that flickered in her eyes whenever our gazes met.

Yet, it was as though an invisible barrier had dug a deep hole between us.

I confided in Linda about my predicament, sharing my confusion, my longing and even the fact that maybe Leah doesn't even like me.

She listened attentively, her expression was always thoughtful.

"Luca, have you considered that perhaps Leah might be running away because she feels the same way?" Linda suggested, her voice laced with a knowing smile.

I shook my head, a mixture of hope and doubt swirling within me.

"But what if she doesn't? What if she's avoiding me because she's uncomfortable with my presence?"

Linda's gaze softened.

"Love is often accompanied by uncertainty, Luca. It's not uncommon for both parties to feel hesitant, especially when the stakes are high."

Her words resonated with me, a reminder that vulnerability was a two-way street.

"You have things to put at risk if you follow your feelings, meaning she does too" Linda explained.

Perhaps, Leah's actions were driven by her own fears, her own doubts about my feelings for her.

The realization was both comforting and daunting.

It meant that the key to breaking the cycle of avoidance lay in open communication, in addressing the elephant in the room that neither of us dared to acknowledge.

With newfound determination, I decided that it was time to confront my own fears and uncertainties.

I would seek Leah out, find a moment to have an honest conversation, and lay my feelings bare.

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