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Third-person POV

It didn't take long for Luca to come back.

Leah tried to push herself up into a sitting position, a determined look on her face.

"Luca, I've been through worse. I can handle this."

He crossed his arms, his expression unwavering.

"And I've been through enough of your stubbornness to know that you need proper medical care right now."

"But the kids... they need me," Leah protested weakly.

Leah knew even though the kids were safe, she knows they might be worried about her.

Luca's gaze softened, and he knelt by the side of her bed, taking her hand in his.

"Leah, you've always made sure I took care of myself, even when I resisted. Now it's my turn to make sure you're okay."

She sighed, realizing that arguing with Luca could be a futile endeavour.

"Fine, I'll go, but only because I know you won't let this go. "

He smiled, a mix of relief and amusement dancing in his eyes.

"That's the only way I could get you to agree?"

Leah rolled her eyes playfully. "You know me too well."

Luca helped her to her feet, his arm steady around her waist.

"Let's go, then. I'll make sure you're taken care of."

As they made their way out of the room, Leah couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions.

Yes, she was frustrated by her injuries and the fact that her independence was momentarily compromised.

But at the same time, there was a sense of comfort in knowing that Luca was there to take care of her, just as she had taken care of him countless times before.

Maybe it was time for her to accept that sometimes, even the strongest of caregivers needed a little bit of care themselves.

And if that care came from the man she had been trying so hard to keep her distance from, maybe it was a sign that her feelings were stronger than her attempts to hide them.

The drive to the hospital wasn't long and her stay wasn't either.

"You can use the wheelchair if you like" the doctor friendly smiled.

"Thank you" she thanked the elder doctor as he left.

She attempted to get on it herself but she was drastically failing, especially since she only had one usable hand.

"Need help?" Luca shook his head at her futile attempts to even get down from the bed.

"No" she insisted.

"Are you sure?" he chuckled in disbelief.

Leah realised she wasn't gonna get anywhere.

She sighed, "Fine, yes I need help" Leah generally hated being the incapable one in any situation but she had no other choice.

Luca picked her up in bridal style and started towards the door.

"Luca the wheelchair is there not outside" Leah protested.

"So you choose a chair, probably used by more than 1000 people over me?" he asked.

"Um" her cheeks turned a light shade of crimson, "Yes" she added.

Luca just shook his head and carried on walking.

Leah kept on protesting until they were outside.

"Put me down" she insisted, "You want me to put you down?" he asked raising his brow.

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