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Third person POV

Leah glanced up from the breakfast table, surprise evident on her face.

"Back to Italy? But why, Luca?"

Luca took a sip of his coffee before answering.

"The situation in Italy has stabilized for now, and I think it's time we return home. Besides, the kids have been away from their usual routine for a while."

Leah nodded slowly, understanding his reasoning. "You're right. It's been a bit chaotic here."

"I've also been in touch with Linda," Luca continued.

"She's been managing things back home in my absence. I want to make sure everything is in order."

Leah sighed, her thoughts drifting to the challenges that awaited them back in Italy.

"I guess we can't stay away forever."

"I go inform the kids to pack" Leah added standing up.

"Okay," Luca replied.


The trip to Italy was chaotic because of the kids, but everything ran smoothly.

Once in Italy, Luca left Leah and the kids at the estate to settle back down.

Meanwhile, Luca went to Romano Inc.

Luca's POV

I entered the familiar confines of my office at the company headquarters, a place that held both the weight of responsibility and the pulse of power.

Linda, my ever-efficient and perceptive personal assistant, was already in my office, engrossed in files stacked on the desk.

I respected Linda immensely – she was more than just an assistant; she was a confidante, a sister-like figure who had seen me through the highs and lows of my life.

I've known her since I could remember.

As I settled behind my desk, Linda looked up from the files and regarded me with a knowing smile.

"Good morning, Luca. You seem to be in high spirits today."

I offered a small nod in response.

"Morning, Linda. Just trying to keep things in order."

She sat down on the other side of my desk and leaned back in the chair, her gaze fixed on me.

"It's more than that, isn't it? Something seems to have changed."

I sighed inwardly.

Linda's intuition was uncanny –she could read me like an open book.

But this time, I was determined to keep my thoughts locked away.

"I assure you, Linda, everything is as it should be."

I couldn't let her know my thoughts.

She arched an eyebrow, her expression sceptical.

"Is that so? You know, it's been quite a while since you hired Leah. She's become an integral part of our lives."

I clenched my jaw imperceptibly, trying to keep my emotions in check.

Leah–the woman who had turned my world upside down in ways I couldn't fully comprehend.

"Leah is an excellent nanny, Linda. The children adore her."

Linda's eyes gleamed with amusement and then chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sure it's not just the children who adore her, Luca."

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