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Leah's POV

Leaving Bella's room after a soothing bedtime story, I found myself drawn to Luca's study.

The weight of his unspoken words had hung in the air, a palpable tension that demanded attention.

With each step, my heart quickened, my thoughts swirling with a mix of curiosity and unease.

The door to his study was slightly ajar, a soft light spilling out into the hallway.

As I pushed it open, I found Luca seated at his desk, his expression a mixture of focus and contemplation.

He looked up as I entered, his eyes meeting mine with a depth of emotion that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Leah," he greeted, his voice low and measured. "I'm glad you came."

I closed the door behind me, taking a hesitant step forward.

"You mentioned earlier that there was something you wanted to talk about. Something important."

He leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving mine.

"Yes, there is."

My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for him to continue.

The air between us seemed charged, heavy with unspoken words.

I braced myself for what he might say, for the revelations that could shift the fragile balance of daily routine.

"I have to leave for Scotland," he finally spoke, his words carrying a weight that settled in the pit of my stomach.

Scotland—is a place of history, but I'm sure Zach isn't going there for a holiday.

"Why?" I asked giving my full attention.

"War" he let out,  but there was a weight in his words I didn't seem to comprehend.

"Isn't that normal?" I shrugged. The idea of Luca going to war wasn't new.

He went once in a while. Not that my worry for him while he's gone diminishes.

"But this time," he continued, his voice unwavering, "the situation is different. The tension is greater, and the stakes higher. It's all of my enemies, all converging at once."

The gravity of his words struck me, and the realization that this was not just another routine battle mission sank in.

Luca was facing a formidable threat, one that demanded all his attention and strength.

"Leah, I need you to be vigilant," he said, his gaze intensifying.

"Once I leave,  nowhere outside is safe, even the garden, the veranda—no place is truly safe when I'm gone. I know it's a lot to ask especially with the kids wanting to play, but it's necessary and I need you to watch for anything suspicious while I'm gone."

His words resonated with a sense of urgency, and I nodded my resolve hardening.

"Of course, Zach. I'll do whatever it takes to protect our family."

A mixture of relief and gratitude crossed his features.

"Thank you, Leah."

"I'll be leaving quite a lot of my men, so don't be shocked to see more outside" he added while flipping through papers.

I nodded in response, "When will you be gone?" I asked.

I expected at least 15 days from now.

"In three days" he looked at me, internally everything in me typically self-destructs.

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