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Third-Person POV

The soft chime of a message notification pulled Leah from her thoughts as she sipped her morning tea.

She glanced at her phone, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw Luca's name on the screen.

Opening the message, she read his words.


Leah, I have a very brief mission to attend to. I should be back in less than 3 days. Will keep you updated. Take care of yourself and the kids.

Leah's brow furrowed slightly as she read the message.

Luca's sudden departure, even for a short mission, left her feeling a mix of emotions.

She knew he had his responsibilities, his world that often demanded his attention, but it was still a jolt to her system whenever he had to leave.

Her fingers tapped on the screen as she typed out a reply.


Alright, Luca. Please stay safe, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. Take care.

Leah leaned back in her chair, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts.

It wasn't the first time Luca had gone on a mission, but each time, the concern and worry for his safety lingered.

She knew the dangers he faced, the enemies that lurked in the shadows, and the risks he took to protect his world, which now included her and the kids.

As she gazed out of the window, her thoughts drifted back to the previous night's conversation with Sydney and Isabella.

Their playful advice and lighthearted humor seemed to echo in her mind.

Was it time to confront her feelings, to acknowledge what her heart had been whispering to her?

Luca's absence seemed to magnify the uncertainty within her.

With a sigh, Leah set her phone down and picked up a photo frame from her desk.

It was a candid shot of her and Luca with the kids, their laughter frozen in a moment of pure joy.

She traced her finger over Luca's image, her heart a mixture of longing and apprehension.

Perhaps, when he returned, she would finally find the courage to have that conversation – the one that had been dancing at the edge of her thoughts for far too long.

Until then, she would hold onto the moments they shared, the laughter of the kids, and the unspoken connection that seemed to bind her heart to his.

Two days flyed by. With the help of the kids's busy schedules.

It wasn't long before Luca came back.

The atmosphere in the Romano Mansion was a mix of controlled chaos and bustling activity as Leah coordinated the aftermath of yet another mission.

Injured men were being tended to, orders were being given, and a sense of purpose pervaded the air.

The kids were doing their best to help, following Leah's instructions with a determined enthusiasm that made her heart swell with pride.

Amidst the organized commotion, Leah's phone buzzed, and she glanced at the screen to see Luca's name flashing.

Her heart skipped a beat; his return was always a welcomed moment.

Answering the call, she could immediately sense a different tone in his voice.

"Leah, could you come outside for a moment?" Luca's voice was calm, but there was a hint of something she couldn't quite decipher.

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