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Btw that's how Angel looks now🔝


Leah's POV

After helping Luca, I excused myself to go check on the girl.

Her room was a cozy haven, decorated with plush toys and colorful posters.

I had taken the time to set it up when she had first arrived.

However, she only attaches to the one plush bear that Gabriel had given her.

As I entered her room, I found her gazing out of the window.

She turned around when she heard me and I gave her a small smile.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked, walking toward her bed and straightening the plush toys.

She shook her head and then sneezed, confirming that she was still unwell.

"Alright," I said gently, "since you're awake now, let's get you into some warm clothes."

I made my way to her walk-in closet.

However, I felt her tiny hand pulling at my sleeve.

I turned to see her looking upset.

This was unusual; Angel was usually an easygoing child. I knelt down to her eye level, concerned.

"Why are you upset,? What's wrong?" I asked, puzzled by her behaviour.

She crossed her arms and pouted, which was very unlike her.

I was confused. Was she mad at me?

"Are you mad at me?" I inquired.

She shook her head and pointed to my pocket.

"My pocket?" I reached for my pocket and pulled out my phone.

"Oh, my phone," I realized. She nodded vigorously.

She took my phone from me and started using it.

I wasn't sure what she was doing, but I patiently let her have it.

After a while, she returned the phone to me.

She pointed to a photo of Gabriel on the screen and then to the clock.

And crossed her arms again, which displayed her frustration. It finally dawned on me why she was upset.

"Ah, I see," I sighed. "Gabriel didn't say bye to you this morning, did he? I'm sorry, but you were sleeping when he left for school. That's why he didn't get to see you."

She turned away, clearly dissatisfied with my explanation.

I gently turned her back to face me.

"Listen," I said, trying to reason with her.

"I understand you're upset. But it's not my fault. When Gabriel comes back, you can scold him all you want, and I won't stop you. But if you don't get dressed, Gabriel might get mad at me too." I crossed my arms and pouted playfully, imitating her earlier expression.

She couldn't help but smile at my attempt to cheer her up.

"So, can we get you ready now?" I asked with a grin.

She nodded her head, finally agreeing to get dressed for the day.


With her agreement, I set to work, selecting a cozy outfit and helping her get dressed.

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