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Luca's POV

I watched Leah rush from the scene, my heart a volatile mix of anger, frustration, and concern. But mostly anger.

The audacity of Antonio, and the fact that he would dare to approach Leah in such a manner, infuriated me beyond measure.

But I knew this was not the time or place for a confrontation that could expose our relationship.

Antonio's actions were a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked around us, a reminder that I had to be more vigilant than ever.

He had made a grave Fucking mistake in crossing that line, and I couldn't let that go unpunished, but I had to choose the right moment.

I stood there, my gaze unwavering on Antonio as he lay sprawled on the floor, his arrogance now tainted by the bruise on his cheek.

There would be a reckoning for his actions, but for now, I couldn't afford to draw any more attention to our situation.

I clenched my jaw. I want to kill him so badly.

With a deep breath, I turned away from the scene and made my way back to the meeting.

Walking back to the meeting table, I took my seat, my demeanour markedly different from before.

My sudden shift from a composed negotiator to a man of stern resolve drew puzzled glances from the others at the table.

Giovanni Helco, Antonio's father, leaned forward, his brows furrowing with concern.

"Mr. Romano, we were making progress in our negotiations."

I fixed my gaze on Giovanni, my tone now icy. "There will be no further negotiations with the Helco family. Leave immediately, and take your son with you."

Giovanni's eyes widened, taken aback by my abrupt dismissal.

"Mr. Romano, this is highly uncharacteristic of you. May I ask for an explanation?"

I have no fucking intention of explaining myself to him or anyone else at that moment.

"I've made my decision. Now, I suggest you comply" I warned him before I'd lose my cool, and I'm very close to losing it.

I glared at Antonio as he came back.

Andrew, who had been observing the proceedings with growing confusion, spoke up.

"Luca, what's going on?."

I didn't want to involve Andrew in this matter, for now.

I waved a dismissive hand toward him.

"Andrew, excuse yourself. I have no patience for this right now" I stood up.

Andrew hesitated for a moment, concern etched on his face, but he eventually nodded and left the room.

My focus remained on Giovanni, who was still grappling with the sudden turn of events.

He exchanged a few words with Antonio, who had regained his composure after the altercation, and then they both stood.

"I will comply with your request, Mr. Romano," Giovanni said, his tone carrying a mixture of frustration and resignation.

"But I must say, this will have consequences."

I merely nodded, my cold gaze unwavering. "So be it."

With that, Giovanni and Antonio left the meeting, leaving me with a lingering tension in the room.

My actions had consequences, and I knew I would have to deal with them in due time. But I didn't care.

I ascended the staircase, my footsteps echoing in the quiet mansion.

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