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Luca's POV

The next day dawned with a sense of clarity that I hadn't felt in a while.

The weight of my emotions, the tangle of feelings that had been clouding my mind, had been released in that raw, unfiltered moment with Leah.

What I had held in for so long was just shared and it was as though the world fell off my shoulders.

The heaviness was gone.

As I went about my daily routine, a renewed energy pulsed through me.

I had one meeting in the morning but right after I came back home.

I left my study when my phone rang, I took it out and looked at the caller ID.

I answered.

"Hey, best bro" Andrew's voice came through.

"What do you want Andrew?" I sighed, I had seen him about an hour ago what did he find out that he needed to tell me now?

"So after deep investigation, we found out who broke into your estate" Andrew started.

"And who is it?" I asked walking.

"Apparently it's a group of them. Spanish, Italian criminal Gang groups, the leftover of La Cosa Nostra and surprisingly your father is involved too" Andrew informed.

Anger raged in me. Could my father do anything normal?

Who attacks their son's house?

"Spanish...how? Didn't we make an agreement with them?" I started walking towards the stairs.

"I know, and we do, I was about to ask what to do about them" Andrew continued.

"Let's keep them on hold for now, Right now we have to focus on finding out how and why my father is doing this,  and why now?" I sighed.

Nothing in my life was going to plan.

"Luca, I've been thinking" Andrew started.

"About?" I reached the stairs.

"Do you think your Father wanted to take Leah in that incident?" Andrew asked,  his voice laced with confusion.

I started walking down the stairs, "Why do you think that?"

"Thank about it Luca, all of the men that came were all going towards Leah. None of them even followed the kids upstairs, they only went after her" I stopped at the realisation.

It made clear sense.

The kids weren't harmed because this wasn't targeted to them...but Leah.

"Shit" I muttered, "I know" Andrew commented.

"But how the fuck did they come to know about her?" I asked.

I had concealed Leah well. I made sure no one I knew would find out about her existence in my life.

"I know I even asked myself how the heck they'd find out, but I really don't know. Maybe a mole somehow made it in to find out about her" Andrew suggested.

"The possibility of a mole is growing, and we need to find out who it is before they learn vital information" I explained.

"Anyway my job is done now, Enjoy your day bro," Andrew said with the sound of shuffling in the background.

"You too" I hung up.

Who in the world is this mole?

I continued going down the stairs.

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