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20!!!! Yayy the book is getting closer to complete🙌👌✨✨bc LMAO I need to start sleeping🥱

Thankfully I haven't had writer's block🙌🙌


Leah's POV

What Luca said helped a little to be really honest.

Funny, how my boss helped me because of heartbreak.

I feel mixed emotions about him.

The thing is, his mood always differs and it's hard to keep up.


I sat across from Mrs Thomson in her cozy living room, my heart heavy with the weight of recent events.

Mrs Thomson was a wise old lady, someone I had come to admire and confide in during my time living in the same apartment building.

She's almost like family to me.

Mrs Thomson looked at Looked with a gentle smile, her warm eyes reflecting years of life experience.

"Dear, you really seem troubled," she said, offering her a cup of tea.

I accepted the tea gratefully and took a sip before speaking.

"Yes, and I am," I confessed.

"I had a painful breakup with my Matteo. He cheated on me with my best friend, Cindy." my voice cracked at the end.

Mrs Thomson nodded sympathetically. "I'm sorry to hear that, I know you and Cindy we're good friends," she said.

"And she didn't even say sorry,  she didn't even look for me,  at least Matteo did. But Cindy was my best friend, how could she do this to me?" I was now crying.

"Betrayal is a difficult thing to bear, but remember, it's a reflection of their character, not yours" she said passing a box of tissues.

I sighed laying my head back on the sofa and looking at the ceiling, feeling the sting of hurt and betrayal resurface.

"I know, but it still hurts, I trusted these people" I admitted.

"And it's okay to feel that hurt," Mrs Thomson reassured.

"Take the time you need to heal, but don't let it define your future happiness."

I slowly nodded, appreciating the wisdom in Mrs Thomson's words.

"There's something else," she continued. "I've been feeling weird ... something I can't ignore."

Mrs. Thomson leaned in, her curiosity piqued, she loved when someone would spill the tea.

"Tell me, dear. What is it that's been in your beautiful heart of yours?" she cheekily smiled.

I took a deep breath, hesitating for a moment before speaking. "It's Luca, my boss," she confessed.

"I've been feeling... something for him. I can't stop thinking about him when he's mad at me or when he's sad, and it scares me because is weird."

Mrs Thomson's eyes twinkled.

"Ah, love can be a mysterious thing, my dear," she said gently.

"Sometimes, it takes us by surprise, and it's not always what we expect."

"What! I don't 'Love' him,  I can't, we're too different. WE can't be a thing" I protested.

"Say whatever, I'll be here for the wedding," she said, a mix of excitement and certainty in her voice.

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