Chapter 3 - Bonnie's help

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It's been days, maybe even longer than a week and I haven't seen anyone but Sheila and Bonnie. Sheila is still cross with her for taking me to Stefan and Damon but I didn't mind. I had fun even if Damon was a bit rude and upset me. I miss Caroline though.

I edge towards Bonnie and Sheila discussing Elena and I hide on the other side of the door to listen in.

"If he really is after Elena you should not get involved Bonnie," Sheila warns her.

"She's my best friend Grams, how can I just wait for someone to abduct her again? I can't. I have magic and I can't sit back and refuse to use it," Bonnie argues. "Can't you at least teach me something to help? Isn't that what magic's for?"

"Very well Bonnie, but do not ask me to help anymore than that. I do not get involved in vampire business, Hedda is the only exception I am willing to make. Do not confuse my kindness with her for kindness towards her kind."

I sense someone behind me and I turn to see Elena.

"They are fighting about helping you. Why?"

"Bonnie wants to help keep me safe but it might put her in danger," Elena explains. "We are trying to find a way to keep everyone safe."

"From what?" I ask wondering what has Sheila so scared.

"From bad people. But you don't need to worry. Nothing is going to happen to you."

"I'm not worried," I tell her truthfully and shrug. "My brothers will protect me." She smiles at me patronisingly and she doesn't say anything in response.

I frown. "Have you started looking for them yet? You promised me you would."

"I have only been able to talk to Katherine so far. Do you remember her?"

"Of course," I say. How could I forget either of the two girls that look like Tatia? "Did she tell you where to find them?"

"Not exactly," Elena clarifies. "She made me promise we would all look after you very carefully because she's stuck somewhere and can't look after you herself. She said you are very, very important to keep safe. Do you know why she said that Hedda?"

"No," I answer. "Can I talk to her? I don't understand why she brought me back. She must know something about my family."

"I don't understand either," Elena admits before refusing to let me. "You can't right now, she's staying somewhere safe where she can't hurt you. Don't worry about her."

I get angry at her refusal to let me speak to Katherine. The woman who knows about Tatia and who will probably know where my brothers and sister are too. And why would she hurt me? Elena just said she wants to keep me safe.

"No Elena. Let me see her," I demand looking her dead in the eyes.

"Did you just..." She says looking shocked as her hand reaches to clasp a familiar looking necklace around her neck. "... did you just try to compel me?"

"Compil you? What?" I scrunch up my nose, unsure what she means. She just shakes her head and holds my shoulders, steering me through the door where the Bennett witches are still talking.

"Sheila you'd better get on vervain around this little one. She just tried to compel me," Elena interrupts her in disgust. I don't understand but I know I'm going to be in trouble for whatever Elena just thinks I did.

"I didn't do anything," I argue in an attempt to get myself out of trouble. I know what happens to bad children that make adults angry and I'm scared.

"What happened Hedda?" Sheila asks me calmly but I start shaking violently in fear. Father used to ask the same before he got mad at Nik. "It's okay child, I'm not angry. Can you tell me what happened?"

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