Chapter 46 - Hello baby

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"Marcellus," 'Lijah icily extends a snooty greeting. "If you would prefer to avoid a bloodbath, may I suggest handing over Hedda unharmed this instant."

I pull back from my lovely hug with my new brother.

"Don't be mean 'Lijah, Marcel is my brother too."

'Lijah looks incredibly displeased at my recently acquired knowledge.

"Marcellus, I won't ask again..."

"I don't hurt kids Elijah you know that," Marcel says disappointed that he would even think that.

But 'Lijah simply raises an eyebrow and beckons for me.

Marcel crouches down and whispers in my ear. "I'll see you soon Hedda, go and give your brother a big hug and tell him you're alright."

I follow his command, wanting to please him.

"I was scared but Marcel made sure I'm okay," I explain to 'Lijah so he doesn't get angry with Marcel.

It takes a long few seconds for 'Lijah to confirm with his own eyes that I'm unharmed, not trusting anyone else. He speeds us away before I can even say goodbye to Marcel, upsetting me greatly.

"No go back," I complain as we approach our house.

"Hedda, it's dangerous to run away, you can't do that," he reprimands me but he's gentle about it, understanding I've just seen the scary parts of the city.

"I didn't mean to," I pout and he gives in seeing how sorry I am.

He then answers every question I have about Marcel, willingly sharing the information so Marcel can't trick me or bend the truth for his benefit.

I say sorry to Daddy too because he's upset he didn't keep a better eye on me. He blames himself but I told him not to because I chose to sneak out. I don't think it makes him feel any better though.

I stay inside for ages and ages, every day with Daddy and Henry. I see 'Lijah, Nik and Hayley a lot too but they're always rushing around saying people are doing bad things and they have to stop them.

I simply let them get on with it, not realising the true dangers of being a part of this family.

A few days later, Daddy and I have to conceal ourselves away in a cramped hidden room for a very very long time which makes me a little bit scared. We hear lots of fighting and bad people getting hurt but we stay hidden. I fall asleep multiple times but the fighting never seems to end. It goes on and on.

Suddenly the entrance is pulled back and I scream when I see it's not Nik's dark outline.

"Don't hurt my Daddy or me," I shakily hug him closer, worried that whoever it is might hurt him. "I'll bite you hard if you do."

The man comes closer, covered in blood. It's Marcel.

"Are you okay?" He checks insistently. "Nobody got in here did they?"

When we affirm that he's the first one who opened the door, he sighs in relief. I take that time to introduce my Daddy to my other brother.

"This is Marcel," I nudge Daddy. "Marcel this is my Daddy, he's my real one and he's nice."

But Daddy stands protectively in front of me, not trusting Marcel, knowing more about his feud with our family than I do.

"Don't worry," my brother throws hand up. "I don't touch kids. I do need some hybrid blood though."

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