Chapter 41 - Mourning Her Koly

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"What do you have to say for yourself young lady?" 'Lijah reprimands me with irritation evident in his voice.

"I'm going now goodbye," I snap to shut him up.

Bekah bursts out laughing and 'Lijah shoots her a look of annoyance.

They've discovered my additions to the art in Nik's gallery and they don't like it. 'Lijah says I need to start thinking of what I'm going to say to Nik when he sees because he will be very angry.

But I hope he will like what I've done. I've made it look much better by scrawling a little lookalike of Henry in the corner.

"It's the original Van Gogh, sister," 'Lijah says deeply offended on the artists behalf. "She's drawn Henry on his Starry Night."

"It looks better now," I add in. "Less boring."

'Lijah turns to me incredulously and looks back at the ruined piece of art that will never be the same again.

"Koly will like it," I argue before he gets the chance to tell me off again. "Koly told me nothing I do is ever naughty, I'm just misunderstood."

My brother's face falls at my words, as if I've said something sad. But I haven't? Have I?

Bekah clears her throat as Nik comes in and quickly hides the ruined painting. He narrows his eyes, seeing her acting suspicious but doesn't say anything to her yet.

"Finn is downstairs," he nods to 'Lijah who picks me up and carries me to Finn and we all sit as a family.

Only my Koly is missing.

I sit on 'Lijah's lap, besides Finny and wait for Kol to join us. There was a lot of business last night when Stella was finally taken home safe by Caroline. I had to go to bed early but 'Lijah promised me it wasn't a punishment and I wasn't in trouble. He said something had happened that he needed to solve with our family and it was 'adult' things.

Sounds boring to me.

Finn nods to 'Lijah who starts to talk but I have to stop him.

"Is this a family meeting?"

"Yes it is Hedda," 'Lijah answers me patiently.

"Well we have to wait for Koly," I point out the obvious and cross my arms annoyed at him being left out. That's not fair.

"Hedi, Kol is who we need to talk about," Bekah says gently, pulling a chair up so she can sit by us and hold my hand.

I swing my head around to stare at Finn since he's the closest sibling so I can just about see his facial expressions without my glasses.

He is crying.

Finny is crying.

"Finny what's wrong?" I ask in concern, wishing he could be happy again. Maybe if I do a silly dance that will make him laugh?

"Kol is de-"

"-not like that," Nik practically yells at Finn making me jump. "Do you want her to turn it off?"

Finn's jaw clenches but he remains silent.

"What?" I request an answer again, turning on 'Lijah's lap to look at him now instead.

"Sarah-Jane was right again Hedda," he swallows nervously. "Kol was injured last night."

I freeze and every muscle in my body tightens. My shoulders start to shake anticipating his next words.

"Kol isn't with us anymore but we will do our best to bring him back like you came back from the Other Side," 'Lijah finally delivers the worst news I could have heard right now.

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