Chapter 18 - Exciting scents

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It's been a while since Bekah's first day at school. She still goes every day but Katerina looks after me. Sometimes Damon does as well. He's my friend again.

It doesn't upset me anymore because I spend all my evenings with my sister and she always tells me I'm the best part of her day.

She's the best part of mine too.

What's really strange is Stefan. He is acting weird but I don't know why. He still follows Elena around everywhere to protect her and keeps an eye on me and Bekah for Nik, but he says a lot less.

He claims he doesn't care about Elena at all but he is still always protecting her. Weird.

Elena is upset about Stefan, and Damon is trying to make her feel better. I don't think it's working much. Katherine tries to keep Elena and I separated as much as possible, to avoid another repeat of last week where I wanted to kill her.

Sadly, Elena remains alive and Nik is nowhere to be seen. 

"Let's go," Bekah swings me up by my arms and I squeal. "I have a wonderful idea for us."

"Now?" I check doubtfully. "I'm coming with you?"

"Yes, we're going out," my sister smiles.

"But it's a school day. You have to go to school."

"It will be our secret," Bekah whispers conspiratorially.

"Can Katerina come?" I ask when I notice she's downstairs too. "Hopefully she will be our sister soon."

"Our sister?" Bekah says in amusement when I mention her love for our brother. "Of course she can come if you'd like her to."

"Yes I want her to come. She will be our sister when she kisses 'Lijah again," I explain to silly Bekah. "Obviously."

They laugh like adults do and we climb into the car together. Katerina drives us to a new exciting place.

"I'm skipping school to do this with you," my sister tells me with a smile. "So you'd better be a very good girl."

"I'm always good," I say and Katerina snorts in disbelief as I jump down from the car.

"Where are your shoes?" She points out my wiggly toes.

"Not here."

I don't tell them they're covered in bin juice now.

"Don't be silly, where are they?" Bekah looks in the car for them.

"I don't have any," I start to giggle when they can't find any. "You carried me."

Bekah sighs when she remembers I'm right. She carried me to the car. I never put on shoes this morning.

"We'll have to get you some while we're here then," she decides, looking around for a shoe shop.

They haven't realised I threw all my shoes in the bin at the bottom of the garden last week yet. I can't believe I've not been caught for that.

"No don't be boring, I'll be really good all day if you don't make me wear shoes," I attempt to convince her.

Suddenly I spot a teddy bear in a shop window. I sprint over to it and see the whole shop is full of bears.

"Here, here, I want to go here!" I call to Katerina and Bekah.

"What's the magic word?" Katerina teases me.

I frown, thinking back to what I've heard Bonnie say. "Phasmatos... um, I don't know."

Bekah bursts out laughing. At me.

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