Chapter 9 - Reunion with 'Lijah

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"Thank you, for being in love with my girlfriend..."

I'm watching the Salvatore brothers fight over Elena just like Nik and 'Lijah did over Tatia. But I like Tatia, I hate Elena. I don't know how Damon and Stefan even like her. She's ugly too.

They continue to square up, winding each other up further and further. The tension is thick in the air.

"I have the one thing you never will..." Stefan continues to bait Damon.

They glare at each other and I turn to Katerina, trying not to laugh. She seems to be doing the same. They've been shouting at each other for a while now it's very silly. Stupid smelly boys.

"...her respect," Stefan answers hatefully and Damon gets really mad. They actually start fighting, throwing hard punches at each other and crashing into everything.

I shrink back in shock and Katerina reaches out a hand towards me to take us both out of the room. I don't need to be here when they fight. As a spy that's not my job. When they start talking again I'll be back.

Willingly taking her hand, I stand up but stop as I hear the creak of the front door. Someone has come in.

Please be 'Lijah. Please be 'Lijah and not stupid Elena.

I hear another creak of the floorboards and suddenly a familiar figure appears.

"'Lijah!" I squeal in happiness. It's him, it's really him.

I'm unable to contain my excitement. Seeing him again is better than I ever could have imagined.

Launching myself towards my big brother, I completely catch him off guard. He stiffens at the contact, almost pushing me away when I barrel into him at speed. But he doesn't react badly when he sees I'm just a child.

My arms lock around his lower torso so he can't pull away. He is shocked at my strength and stares down, his eyes going wide when he sees it's me. His baby sister. His Hedda.

"Hedda...?" He says in astonishment, bending down and cupping my face in his palms. I see tears welling up in his eyes. "Hedda... how... how is this possible?"

"Katerina got the Bennett line to bring me back," I squeeze him again and he wraps his own arms around me and hugs me ever so tightly. I never want to let him go. I love 'Lijah. He's my amazing big brother and now I know I'm safe forever. I have him. I love him.

"Katerina?" He questions sounding slightly choked up. His eyes dart around the room before finding her. "Thank you."

She doesn't respond, just smiles at our joyful reunion and 'Lijah's emotional 'thank you.'

I pull back lifting my arms and 'Lijah picks me up so we can have a better hug. And it is better, I cry and cry as he holds me close, rocking me from side to side in his embrace telling me how much he loves and misses me over and over. I'm feel like I'm home again.

"Hold on a minute?" Elena interrupts with a question of her own. "You know each other?"

"'Lijah's my big brother," I answer, tightly burying my head into his chest. He smells just like he used to and I've missed it. It's real, he's really here.

I won't be alone anymore.

"You didn't think to tell us she's an Original? Hedda Mikaelson?" Damon rounds on Katherine for keeping such an astronomical secret from them. His eyes bulge in fear at the mention of my family. But I'm confused. I'm not Mikael's son. I'm his daughter, Mikael-dottir.

"It must have slipped my mind when I was trying to protect her from being used against Klaus," Katerina answers. "You know you would have."

At least she understands what they're talking about even if I don't.

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