Chapter 9: Take Off!

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(Imagine the plan above but red and bronze, instead of blue. It is also slightly longer, so two people could sit in it.)

***Amaya's POV***

***7 Years Later***

Ace left the island a year ago, and today is the day that I leave myself. We've all trained a lot since Sabo left us. Somedays were worse than others. The first couple weeks after he left. Ace and Luffy would still talk to him like he was around. They would always get embarrassed that it was actually a rock they were questioning.

I also got a new scar on my back from those days. Ace and Luffy decided to create their own kingdoms one day. So when Luffy went up against a huge bear, Ace wouldn't help him. I managed to push Luffy out of the way, but I took the swipe instead. I couldn't change into smoke or else Luffy would have been hit. I passed out shortly afterwards, but I was told that Ace and Luffy rushed me back to Dadan's for help. The scar goes from the bottom of the shoulder blade on my right side to the bottom left side of my back. Since it was a bear it's four lines next to each other.

Those were good times, but now it was time for me to leave. I carried my backpack filled with my father's journal, my dials, medical supplies, food, and some random odds and ends in case I needed to tune up the flying machine.

I loaded my things into the backseat of the flying machine along with my red katana before turning to say goodbye to Luffy, Dadan, and the others. "I'm off, thanks for taking care of me Dadan!" I smile at her and the other bandits.

Dadan burst into tears right away. I was surprised. She held on for so long before crying when Ace left. I guess I'm her favorite. "I'll miss you too." I called out to them.

"I'm not gonna miss you!" She tried to deny it. "Are you sure that contraption of yours will even work?!" She yelled annoyed.

I laughed. "Guess I'll find out!" I was sure it would work, but she didn't need to know that.

Dadan and the others dropped to the ground dramatically after hearing my answer. I laughed and Luffy joined me.

"Let's go, Chi!" I called as she jumped up on my shoulder. I started to climb my flying machine, stopping halfway to look at Luffy. "I'll see you on the sea, mk?" I smiled at him.

"I'll be even stronger in two years," he claimed.

"I can't wait to see it. Until then," I said before climbing all the way in the cockpit. I started up the machine, and it hummed to life. I used the thunder dial to provide energy to my machine. It stores lightning, so it lasts a long time with a single bolt. The added bonus is if my plane were to be struck mid air, I would just gain more power. Handy, right?

"Ready for takeoff Chi?" I ask. She plops down onto my lap, so that she would be more secure before sounding off a 'Chi' in acknowledgement. "Alright! Let's get rolling!" I smiled widely.

Since there wasn't a runway besides the small clearing. I added a jet dial to each wing to help with takeoff. Once I was in the air I would need the highly compressed air unless I was wanted to speed up drastically. I can't thank my parents enough for their gifts.

I turned on the dials and started the plane forward, picking up speed. It then lifted into the air without a problem. I could hear Luffy's 'woah' in the distance. Boy was he loud.

"Woo!" I yelled in excitement. "This is so much fun!" I told Chi.

I had a pirate flag of my own tied to the back of the plane. It was pure black. I thought it was fitting since I was the ghost member of the ASL group. I'll adopt a new flag if I ever join a crew.

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