Chapter 40: Our Next Adventure

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***Amaya's POV***

"The log pose is pointing to the next island!" Nami gleefully announces as we chill around our temporary lodging.

"Then, all we need now is the ship!" Luffy exclaims while climbing around the room like a monkey. "I'm looking forward to it!"

"Right?" Nami agrees from her seat at the small table. "Franky told us not to come until it's done because he wants to surprise us."

The rest of the Strawhats listen in as well. Chopper was in a complete reindeer form, pushing his head against Zoro's foot for some reason while Zoro appeared bored. Sanji was just standing around, same goes for Robin. Chi and I were leaning against the wall near the door.

"Do you guys know where following that log will take you?" Granny Kokoro asked the orange-headed girl.

"No, where is it?" The navigator questioned before inspecting the log on her wrist. "It somehow looks like it's pointing a little downwards."

That caught my attention. Downwards? Does that mean we are already headed for Fishman Island? Isn't it too soon? I thought I had more time.

Granny Kokoro laughs. "Of course it is. The next island is a paradise on the seabed, Fistman Island!" She confirmed my suspicions.

Everyone's faces became full of wonder whilst my inner self was starting to panic. If we were already on our way to Sabyody, then my deadline for preparing for Marineford was nearly up. I'm not ready. I only have half a plan at best at the moment, which is use the illusion powers to get Ace the heck out of there, but how would I stall the Admiral to get Ace away? How will I get to Ace in the first place? Once I get Ace, how will we escape? Will I even be able to convenience Ace?

"What?! Fishman Island?!" Sanji's shout of excitement knocked me out of my thoughts. His face turned to his perverted demeanor he donnes when he's daydreaming about ladies.

"Eh? What's wrong Sanji?" The innocent Chopper questioned the chef and his behavior.

"Fishman Island, huh?" Nami quietly mentions. "I have mixed feelings about it."

I couldn't agree more, Nami. I need to train these Rumble powers so I can use them as a natural extension of my body. That will help level the playing field come time for battle. As for convincing Ace and temporarily stopping the Admiral I'll need to think on it some.

I can't just use my senbon needles like normal since he is a manga man. It would just pass through him with no effect. However, the same could be said for my general attacks; however, his would injure me if he tried.

"'Aahhhh!!!" Chopper's and Nami scream, pulls me back into their conversation.

"Anyway, it's a dangerous sea where lots of disasters happen." Granny Kokoro spoke. "Make sure you are well prepared before you set sail." She reminds us.

"Along with stories about ghost ships, in other words, wrecked trading ships and pirate ships, there are legends of treasure ships, right?" Robin focuses on a skip over part of Kokoro's story.

"Let's find ghost ships!" Nami's mood did a flip.

"Leave it to me!" Luffy wholeheartedly agreed.

"Ehh! I don't want to!" The still convinced Chopper hollered.

"If the worry's just about getting lost, don't worry, as we'll have plenty of food." Sanji tries to calm the situation.

"Treasure ships, huh?" Zoro ruminates. "I wonder if they have swords, too.

"I doubt it would be one you want if there were, Zoro." I comment.

"Chi!" She agreed.

"Pirate guy!" A little girl's voice shouts through the door.

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