Chapter 49: New Resolves

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***3rd Person POV***

Everyone was starting to come too from Kuma's blast. They were all speculating that Kuma left after assuming his blast killed everyone. Little did they know that that wasn't the case.

"Hey, man. You've got to be kidding? What's gotten into you?" Franky questioned the very energetic Luffy who was doing a silly dance.

"Hey, look! My body feels light!" Luffy's smile was large as he continued his dance intermixed with random hand claps. "Why is that?" He questioned.

"Ehh!?! Don't lie! That can't be true." Usopp refuted.

"Perhaps he has taken so much damage that it's given him a high." Robin suggested.

"Yeah, right! I can't believe that." Franky retorted.

Seeing a still knocked out Sanji and a still standing Zoro, Chopper walked over to check on them. He noticed that Chi was laying on Zoro's head before he saw the senbon needles in the swordsman's neck.

"What?" Chopper questioned, climbing up Zoro's leg to check the needles.

"Chi Ama said that if you remove the needles, they will both be fine. CHi." She explained to the doctor.

Chopper did just that, removing the needles from the unconscious swordsman. "Wait, both?" He questioned as he got down before realizing that Sanji also had needles in his neck.

Zoro came too, quickly followed by Sanji. After a moment of realization, they shared a look until Zoro's eyes focused in a certain direction.

They both bolted, running in the direction that Zoro led.

"There's no way she pulled through okay!" Sanji stated as they both ran in the direction that Zoro saw her walk before losing consciousness. "Where is she?!"

Zoro pulled forward before coming to an abrupt stop, staring down at a newly made crater in the stone ground. Sanji ran right into him.

"Why you! Why did you suddenly stop! We have to find Ama-chan!" The blonde yelled.

Getting no reaction from the frozen swordsman, Sanji looked to see what captured his attention.

There in the bottom of the crater was Amaya. Her once white wedding dress now heavily stained crimson, matching the red-tinted earth around her. Her eyes were closed, and her long red hair was sprawled around her in a heap.

"Where did all this blood come from?! Ama-chan! Please still be alive!" Sanji rushed to the girl, followed by Zoro close behind.

Too afraid to touch her to further her injuries they only hovered near the girl. They watched for any signs of life like faint breathing or a twitch of her eyelid, hoping to confirm that she was still alive.

Meanwhile, back in the courtyard, the other Straw Hats gathered unaware of their injured friend.

"In the end, everyone slept all day in that courtyard." Usopp announces.

"Sure. We were up all the previous night fighting like mad." Franky reasoned.

"I'm starving Sanji!" Luffy declared, looking around for the chef who wasn't there. "Where's Sanji?" He asks.

"Zoro and Ama aren't here either." Robin comments.

They all went searching until they found their two crewmates, standing in a crater.

"Sanji! Zoro! What are you doing down there?" The rubber man questioned as he walked over. He looked down, freezing in place at the image before him. His best friend since childhood covered in her own blood, so much that it was even staining the ground around her.

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