Chapter 12: Oh My Beard

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***Amaya's POV***

Flevance was quick and easy. Well easy physically, but it was rather sad emotionally. I had Chi stay on the plane, so she wouldn't breathe the air. It would be really bad for her, considering her size.

I found the burned down hospital, but I was able to find a special safe that contained a large textbook and an old family photo. I grabbed them both, then left the island quickly. Law's devil fruit made it easy to rob the safe once I found it hidden under the rubble.

Chi snapped me out of my thoughts as she got my attention. She motioned outside, where I could see an island. An average one but it was land nonetheless.

"Let's land and stretch for a bit. We've been cooped up since leaving Flevance a week ago." I told her to which she happily 'Chi'ed in response.

I chuckled at her response as I steered the plane to land. After landing, Chi and I went to walk around the tiny island. There was a small forest, but since the island was so small it was the same size as the town.

Even though the town was small it seemed to focus heavily on sewing and knitting. Everywhere I looked was either selling finished homemade products or crafting supplies. Since I was bored, I took a look at the crafting supplies. I wouldn't mind something to do on the plane when I'm just killing time.

I saw many different types of needles. Some looked like normal knitting needles or small ones for hand stitching, but there were several surprising ones too. There was a pair of knitting needles the size of me, some regular metal ones that were super long, and others that could easily be weapons.

When I neared the back of the store, I spotted some senbon needles. They were so cool! It's like something you would see straight out of Naruto, not a small island like this. I'm so so glad I stopped here now. The medical text that I found in Flevance written by Law's dad, the famous doctor, was about acupuncture, pressure points, and similar medical practices.

I grabbed as many senbon needles as they offered. I would need some to practice with later on, and I will need plenty for future battles. Who knows how long it will take to find another island that sells them. I also grabbed a bag to hold them in, and a brace that I could attach to my thigh to hold some. Now I really feel like I'm a medical nin from Naruto, but I can't help it. It's too cool.

When I went to check out, the lady gave me a look before looking me up and down then shrugging. I didn't know what she was doing, but she wasn't hurting anything so I just let her be.

Staching my thing in my bag, I made my way back down the street before seeing my picture on the wall. It was a side profile since they didn't get the angle right. You could see my red hair, the earring Luffy gave me, and Sabo's sword on my hip, but not my face. At least not clearly. You could see my mouth, but my eyes were covered by a shadow.

It read: Wanted: Alive Sky Goddess Amaya Bounty: 300,000,000B

My eyes nearly popped out of my head after seeing the amount. 300,000! Luffy didn't even get that much until after Enies Lobby in the original storyline. The fact that they wanted me alive was also interesting. Most pirate posters are dead or alive. I remember Sanji being an exception, since he was a family member of Germa and they pulled some strings.

I grabbed the poster off the wall, and put it inside my backpack.

"Come on Chi. I think it's time to return to the plane."

"Chi!" She readily agreed.

I started the small walk back to my hidden plane. I'm still curious as to why they gave that much reward for my capture. Is it because they saw my plane? Most likely and if that's the case, then they probably know that I'm from Arocana.

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