Chapter 33: Interference

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***Amaya's POV***

Once we reached outside, we stalled between the two cars. Sogeking wanted a boost to see the other cars head, so he got on top of Franky's shoulders. As he was lost in thought, he started to hum his Sogeking Sniper song again.

Having had enough of being used as a footstool, Franky snapped. "What're you mumbling about?! Hurry up and go, you damn, Squidy-king!"

"Who're you calling 'Squidy'?!" He questioned offendedly.

"Hurry up! Squidman!"

"Hey, bikini man. I've got a brilliant idea." The sniper claimed. "Listen carefully."

"What are you stealing Sanji's lines now, trying to sound cool?" I question.

"S-shut it! And listen up!"

Usopp then told us his ingenious plan. We were going to split up. Franky was going to go ahead, using the roofs. Sogeking and I were going to take another route.

I was piggybacking Sogeking with my cuffed arms around his neck. Meanwhile, he was climbing the side of the train car with octopuses for suction cups on his hands and feet.

How is he doing this? Isn't he still really injured? Oh well, power of anime I guess.

The heavy rain and the roaring currents underneath were rather distracting from the climb. Usopp nearly slipped when his grip didn't stick for a second.

"Ya good?" I abbreviated since I didn't want to waste energy talking. These cuffs are the worst.

"O-of course! Leave it to me! Sogeking!" He stuttered out before continuing our trek.

After many grueling minutes in the cold rain, we finally reached a window that had a familiar profile in view. Usopp was either very excited or exhausted since he face-planted into the window.

"Long-nose?!" Robin exclaims from the inside before opening the window and letting us in. "What is the meaning of this?" she questioned angrily. "How'd you get on board?! Why are you here?!"

Sogeking stayed in character as he gave a deeper laugh. "I can't answer if you bombard me with questions like that." While he spoke, I slumped into the seat next to Robin.

"Well, calm down a little first." Sogeking continued before spotting a rolling cart with coffee and tea cups. "Ah, shall I pour you some coffee or something?"

I weakly raised my hands in hopes he gets me one.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Robin snaps. Welp there go my chances of coffee.

Sogeking set the coffee down and sat down in the seat across from us.

"What on earth-" Robin started to be interrupted.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sogeking, the king of snipers. To make a long story short, I've come to rescue you and the lady next to you."

Robin glazed my way, noticing the handcuffs before directing her attention back to him. "Long-nose.."

"It's not just me. Sanji-kun and a thug named Franky are currently engaged in battle on this train. Then of course we have Amaya here, but she's unfit for battle at the moment with her cuffs. During the other two's fights, I found a chance to come here. Furthermore, Luffy-kun and the others are also on this railway following this train using the other sea train. He's bringing a big group."

Robin didn't look pleased to hear the news. In fact she grimaced.

"On our way over here, I peeked inside of the train through the windows. Frankly, those four people in the car behind this one are dangerous. It's be best if I could rescue you before Sanji-kun confronts them. Now, let's run....together." He finished his nice speech.

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